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TV shows Two Days One Night Channel:Drag...

TV shows

Two Days One Night

Channel:Dragon TV

Time:9:15p. m., every Saturday starting from Nov. 1

Total episodes(集):13

In this program, 6 people are gathered together to travel with limited money. Besides the fixed people, the show will invite one very famous business-erson in show to take part in each week’s travel. They go to many different places and enjoy different kinds of delicious food.

The Amazing Race in China

Channel:Shenzhen TV

Time:9:00p. m., every Friday starting from Oct. 17

Total episodes: 10

This new program invites 8 people, each of whom has their own teammates, to race around the world in competition with other teams. During the show, competitors are put into many mental and physical challenges. They must fight hard to avoid losing.

She’s My Family

Channel:Jiangsu TV

Time:10:00 p. m., every Friday starting from Oct.10

Total episodes: 12

Unlike the other two shows, which focus on outdoors, travel and competition, She’s My Family deals with family life. Four actresses are sent to ordinary households in Yunnan where they live as a member of the family. The highlight(最精彩的部分) of the show is how these actresses complete house and farm work, and how they manage to get along with the new families.

1.What’s the best part of she’s My Family?

A. How the actresses are sent to Yunnan.

B. How the actresses travel to Yunnan.

C. How the actresses live with the total families in Yunnan.

2.In Two Days One Night, how many people in total take part in each week’s travel?

A. Six.    B. Seven.    C. Eight.

3.Which program has the least episodes?

A. Two Days One Night.

B. The Amazing Race in China.

C. She’s My Family.

4.If you want to know about many different places and different foods, which program would you like to watch?

A. Two Days One Night.

B. The Amazing Race in China.

C. She’s My Family.

5.Where can you probably read the passage?

A. In a storybook.    B. In a diary.    C. In a newspaper.


1.C 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.C 【解析】这篇短文给我们介绍了三个著名的节目,包括这个节目的内容、集数、播出时间等。 1.细节理解题。根据最后一篇短文中Four actresses are sent to ordinary households in Yunnan where they live as a member of the family. The highlight(最精彩的部分) of the show is how these actresses complete house and farm work, and how they manage to get along with the new families.可知,My Family这个节目中有四个女演员被送到了云南省的普通家庭中,和那里的人住在一起。节目中最精彩的部分是这些演员们怎样完成家务活和农场的活,以及如何与这些新的家庭成员们相处。由此可知C选项正确。 2.细节理解题。根据短文中In this program, 6 people are gathered together to travel with limited money. Besides the fixed people, the show will invite one very famous business-erson in show to take part in each week’s travel可知,Two Days One Night节目中六个人聚在一起拿着有限的钱去旅行。还会邀请一个著名的商人参加他们每周的旅行,所以一共是7个人。故选B。 3.细节理解题。根据短文中Two Days One Night Total episodes(集):13、The Amazing Race in China Total episodes: 10、She’s My Family Total episodes: 12可知,集数最少的是The Amazing Race in China,这个节目是10集,其他的两个节目一个13集,一个12集。故应选B。 4.细节理解题。根据第一篇短文中They go to many different places and enjoy different kinds of delicious food可知,在Two Days One Night这个节目中,他们去很多不同的地方,享受不同的美食,所以这个节目符合题目的要求。 5.推理判断题。这篇短文中给我们介绍了三个著名的节目,这样的文章可以在报纸上看到,报纸的内容是包括很多方面,如新闻、娱乐、体育等等。A选项是故事书,B选项是日记,不会有这样的关于电视节目的内容。故选C。 点睛:这篇阅读理解的短文主题是非常突出的,题目TV shows就告诉了我们文章的主题是关于电视节目。后面的题目以细节理解为主,我们可以从题目中先找到一个关键词,依据这个关键词,定位到原文相关的部分,理解作答。因为这篇短文是介绍电视节目的,因此关键词就可以用电视节目的名称,这样我们就可以找到相关的段落,减少做题的时间。例如第2小题,我们从Two Days One Night中可以找到,参加这个节目的人数,但是不能只读完第一句就作答,因为它下面紧接着提到了Besides the fixed people, the show will invite one very famous business-person in show to take part in each week’s travel,还会要求一个著名的商人参加,所以一共是7个人。


Dear Nancy,

You asked about places to go and things to do in our town. The Downtown Mall is always____lt’s a____place in the oldest part of town. There are some good stores and restaurants there.____, Trendy Clothing Store is in Downtown Mall. It’s a fun place to shop, and it has the____quality clothes. The shop assistants are friendly____people. My favorite____in town is Nick’s Restaurant. It’s close to my house.It’s cheap and the hamburgers there are great. I like Dragon City Restaurant,____You can eat wonderful noodles there and the beef noodles are the most delicious! But it’s more expensive than Nick’s. The Big Cinema is the best cinema in town.It has the biggest screen and the most____seats. The Del Ray Complex is also a good place to see movies .The Del Ray Complex doesn’t have____movies, but the tickets are the cheapest.

Anyway, there are lots of things to do and to see here. Come for a____soon!



1.A. funny    B. fun    C. silly    D. expensive

2.A. fishing    B. skating    C. reading    D. shopping

3.A. So that    B. For example    C. Such as    D. In fact

4.A. better    B. best    C. worse    D. worst

5.A. with    B. for    C. to    D. at

6.A. school    B. restaurant    C. hospital    D. park

7.A. too    B. also    C. either    D. neither

8.A. dangerous    B. comfortable    C. important    D. boring

9.A. the newer    B. newer    C. newest    D. the newest

10.A. visit    B. see    C. walk    D. dinner



— Everyone knows Canada is the second _______ country in the world.

— That is, it is larger than _______ country in Asia.

A. larger; any    B. larger; the other

C. largest; any    D. largest; any other



How___    _ Li Ming writes!

—Yes, he is the             in our class.

A. carefully; most careful

B. careful; most careful

C. carefully; careful

D. careful; careful



There isn’t an airport near where I live. The _______ one is about 90 miles away.

A. busiest    B. farthest    C. newest    D. nearest



The Great Wall of China is _______ wall in the world.

A. long    B. longer

C. longest    D. thelongest



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