满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

1.It rained_______(heavy) and the wind ...


1.It rained_______(heavy) and the wind blew(吹、刮) _________(strong) last night.

2.He is_________and everyone wants to make _________ with him. (friend)

3.I can read the ________ (week) magazine every 7 days.

4.Would you walk ________ (quiet) ? The baby is sleeping in the bedroom.

5.He can _________ (easy) answer the questions.


1.heavilystrongly 2.friendlyfriends 3.weekly 4.quietly 5.easily 【解析】 1.句意:昨天晚上雨下得很大,风吹得很猛。heavy重的,在这里形容雨下得大,修饰谓语动词rained,故应用副词形式,填heavily;第二个空也是修饰动词blew的,也应用副词形式,填strongly。 2.句意:他是友好的,每个人都想要和他交朋友。friend名词,朋友。第一个空前是系动词is,因此这个空应填形容词形式,在句中做表语,friendly,友好的;第二个空考查的是固定短语make friends with sb.和某人交朋友。 3.句意:我每7天就可以读这本每周杂志。week周,星期,是一个名词。空后面的magazine是一个名词,因此这个空应填形容词形式。weekly是形容词,每周的。 4.句意:你愿意走路安静一点吗?这个婴儿正在卧室里睡觉。quiet安静的,是一个形容词。这个词是来修饰动词walk的,故应用副词形式,quietly副词,安静地。 5.句意:他能够轻松地回答这些问题。easy容易的,轻松的,是一个形容词。这里填的词是来修饰动词answer的,故应用副词形式easily。 点睛:这个题目是用所给单词的正确形式填空,我们应根据这个单词在句中的作用,变化正确的形式。这些题目中主要考查了形容词和副词的用法,如第1小题副词修饰动词;第3小题weekly形容词修饰名词。

_________, he doesn’t hurt_________.

A. Lucky, badly    B. Luckily, bad    C. Luckily, badly    D. Lucky, bad



Is this a photo of your daughterShe looks ____ in the pink dress.

A. lovely    B. quietly

C. politely    D. happily




1.She _________(quick) ran back to the office. He left his key in the office _________(careless).

2.The two-year-old boy is very clever, and he can count from one to one hundred _________(easy).

3.What_________(love) girls!

4.Daniel is a _________ boy, and he always speaks to the old_________(polite).

5.The poor old man is_________(bad) ill, and he is much_________(bad) than he was yesterday.

6.Please look at the blackboard_________(clear).

7.She always answers the teacher’s questions _________(correct).

8.He spoke to me in a very_________(friend) way.

9.The shoes in your size sell_________ (well)and look_________(well).

10.The father can make his little girl smile_________(happy).

11.The article is about our_________(day)life.

12.The flower show is a_________(year) event in our town.

13.She is talking about the_________ (week)news.



Mr Black worked in an office. He lived in an old house alone. He liked nothing but drinking. He almost spent (花费) all his money on drinks.

One evening, he met a friend in the street. The friend asked Mr Black to have dinner with him in a restaurant. He was happy and drank a lot. When they left, he could hardly stand. The friend had to ask a taxi to carry him home. Soon they arrived at his house. With the help of the taxi driver, he got out of the taxi.

“Thank you, sir,” said Mr Black. “Now I can open the door myself.” The taxi driver went away, but Mr Black couldn’t put the key into the keyhole (锁眼). Just then a policeman came.

“Can I help you, sir?” asked the policeman.

“Thank you, sir,” said Mr Black. “The house is circling now. If you can stop it moving, I can open the door myself!”


1.Mr Black worked ______.

A. in an office    B. in a restaurant    C. on the farm    D. in a factory

2.Mr Black spent all his money________.

A. on books    B. on clothes    C. on drinks    D. on food

3.One evening, Mr Black’s friend asked him ________.

A. to go to the cinema    B. to go to a party    C. to have dinner    D. to watch a football match

4.That night Mr Black could hardly stand because he _________.

A. felt tired    B. drank a lot    C. was hungry    D. was too excited

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The house was circling then.

B. With the help of the taxi driver, Mr Black opened the door.

C. The policeman helped Mr Black get out of the taxi.

D. Mr Black couldn’t open the door because he was drunk.





Personal (个人的) information

Thomas Edison

Born in 1847, Kentucky, the USA, invented (发明) over 1000 inventions, died in 1931.

Dr. Henry Norman Bethune

Born in 1890, a doctor in Canada, came to China in 1938, died in 1939 in China.

Mark Twain

Born in 1835 in the USA, a writer in the USA, wrote The Adventure of Tom Sawyer, died in 1910.

Bill Gates

Born in 1955 in the USA, the founder and the chairman of Microsoft.

J.K. Rowling

Born in 1965 in Bristol, England, a writer, famous for.Harry Potter.



1.Who comes from Canada?

A. Thomas Edison.    B. Dr. Henry Norman Bethune.    C. Mark Twain.    D. J.K. Rowling.

2.How many people are from the USA?

A. One.    B. Two.    C. Three.    D. Four.

3.Who is the writer of Harry Potter?

A. Bill Gates.    B. Mark Twain.    C. J.K. Rowling.    D. Thomas Edison.

4.How old was Thomas Edison when he died?

A. 68.    B. 80.    C. 84.    D. 87.

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Doctor Bethune worked in China for four years.

B. Bill Gates invented over 1000 inventions.

C. J.K. Rowling was born in 1955 in England.

D. Mark Twain was the writer of The Adventure of Tom Sawyer.



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