满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

maybe question level able life 1.When yo...

maybe  question  level  able  life

1.When you have ______,you can ask your teacher.

2.Do you know what our ______ will be like in 100 years

3.If you study hard, you can improve your English______.

4.He is out.______ he is visiting his friends.

5.We are ______ to swim in the river.


1.questions 2.life 3.level 4.Maybe 5.able 【解析】 1.questions 句意:当你有问题时,你可以问你的老师。根据you can ask your teacher可知此处表示有问题,question是可数名词,此处表示类别,故用复数名词,故为questions。 2.life 句意:你知道100后我们的生活是什么样子吗?此处有形容词性物主代词our修饰,故用名词,结合句意,表示什么,故用life。 3.level 句意:如果你学习努力,你可以提高你的英语水平。结合句意,表示提高英语水平,故用名词level。 4.Maybe 句意:他出去了。可能她正在看望他的朋友。此处修饰整个句子,故用副词,故为Maybe。 5.able 句意:我们能在河里游泳。be able to能,故此处为able。 点睛:根据句意,结合词性、短语、句型、时态、语态和主谓一致,选出适当的单词,填入其正确形式,例如小题4,句意:他出去了。可能她正在看望他的朋友。此处修饰整个句子,故用副词,故为Maybe。


1.What will our l______ be like in twenty years?

2.Everyone will have a computer in the f______.

3.Mr. Smith is writing on the blackboard with c______.

4.—May I use your r______, Tom?  —Yes,here you are.

5.—Are you f______ this evening? —No, I’m not. I have to do my homework.




1.It rained_______(heavy) and the wind blew(吹、刮) _________(strong) last night.

2.He is_________and everyone wants to make _________ with him. (friend)

3.I can read the ________ (week) magazine every 7 days.

4.Would you walk ________ (quiet) ? The baby is sleeping in the bedroom.

5.He can _________ (easy) answer the questions.



_________, he doesn’t hurt_________.

A. Lucky, badly    B. Luckily, bad    C. Luckily, badly    D. Lucky, bad



Is this a photo of your daughterShe looks ____ in the pink dress.

A. lovely    B. quietly

C. politely    D. happily




1.She _________(quick) ran back to the office. He left his key in the office _________(careless).

2.The two-year-old boy is very clever, and he can count from one to one hundred _________(easy).

3.What_________(love) girls!

4.Daniel is a _________ boy, and he always speaks to the old_________(polite).

5.The poor old man is_________(bad) ill, and he is much_________(bad) than he was yesterday.

6.Please look at the blackboard_________(clear).

7.She always answers the teacher’s questions _________(correct).

8.He spoke to me in a very_________(friend) way.

9.The shoes in your size sell_________ (well)and look_________(well).

10.The father can make his little girl smile_________(happy).

11.The article is about our_________(day)life.

12.The flower show is a_________(year) event in our town.

13.She is talking about the_________ (week)news.



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