满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—Will there be schools in the future? —N...

—Will there be schools in the future? —No, there ______.

A. isn’t    B. don’t    C. won’t    D. won’t be


C 【解析】句意:——未来将会有学校吗?——不,将不会有。根据Will there be schools in the future?可知此处表示的是一般将来时,根据No可知此处用否定回答,故为will not,缩写为won’t,故选C。  

There will be a computer ______ a computer ______ the future.

A. in; on    B. on; in    C. at; for    D. to; at



Our English teacher ______ a computer ______ teach us this text.

A. use; to    B. use; for    C. using; to    D. to use; with



Everyone ______ English hard in our class.

A. study    B. studys    C. studies    D. studying



maybe  question  level  able  life

1.When you have ______,you can ask your teacher.

2.Do you know what our ______ will be like in 100 years

3.If you study hard, you can improve your English______.

4.He is out.______ he is visiting his friends.

5.We are ______ to swim in the river.




1.What will our l______ be like in twenty years?

2.Everyone will have a computer in the f______.

3.Mr. Smith is writing on the blackboard with c______.

4.—May I use your r______, Tom?  —Yes,here you are.

5.—Are you f______ this evening? —No, I’m not. I have to do my homework.



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