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Perhaps most people know the Chinese fam...

Perhaps most people know the Chinese famous boxer Zou Shiming,but how many people are familiar with the exciting sport—boxing or Thai(泰国的) Boxing?

Boxing(拳击) is popular in many countries.Two fighters wear boxing gloves on their____.A bell rings.The boxers____each other until one knocks the other out.Each part of the fight is three____long.It is called a round.

Thai boxing is different.The boxing match____music from drums and flutes.Then the two fighters kneel()and pray to God.Next they do a slow dance that copies the movements of Thai boxing.During this dance,each fighter tries to____the other that he is the best.

Then the fight begins.In Thai boxing,the fighters____kick with their feet and hit each other with their elbows and knees.Of course they hit with their hands,too.Most boxers can fight only five rounds because this kind of fighting is too____

Thai boxing began over 500 years ago.If a soldier____his weapons(武器) in a battle,he needed to fight with just his body.The soldiers____how to use all the parts of their body.In 1560,the Burmese(缅甸的) army captured(俘获) the King of Thailand in a war.He was a very good boxer.He____the freedom from Burma by defeating all the best Burmese fighters.When he returned to Thailand,his people were very proud of him.So Thai boxing became a popular sport.

1.A. fingers    B. feet    C. hands    D. arms

2.A. help    B. teach    C. know    D. hit

3.A. hours    B. minutes    C. seconds    D. days

4.A. begins with    B. ends with    C. plays with    D. gets on with

5.A. get    B. make    C. show    D. use

6.A. must    B. need    C. dare    D. can

7.A. difficult    B. interesting    C. funny    D. heavy

8.A. got    B. held    C. lost    D. used

9.A. taught    B. learnt    C. saw    D. seemed

10.A. beat    B. hit    C. found    D. won


1.C 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.D 【解析】拳击是一个在很多国家都很受欢迎的运动,这项运动非常激烈,这篇短文中作者主要给我们介绍了泰式拳击的比赛规则,还有这项运动受到人们欢迎的原因。 1.句意:两个拳击手的手上戴着拳击手套。fingers 手指;feet 脚;hands 手;arms胳膊。根据句中的gloves手套可知,手套是戴在手上的,故应选C。 2.句意:拳击手互相击打直到一个把另一个击倒。help 帮助;teach 教;know 知道;hit击打。根据下文中In Thai boxing, the fighters___6___kick with their feet and hit each other with their elbows and knees可知,拳击比赛就是两个拳击手互相击打。故应选D。 3.句意:战斗的每一回合是3分钟长。hours 小时;minutes 分钟;seconds 秒;days天,日子。根据文意可知,拳击比赛是一种很激烈的运动,每一回合的时间不可能会很长,秒又太短了,因此分钟是最合适的,选B。 4.句意:拳击比赛是以鼓和长笛演奏的音乐开始的。begins with 以…开始;ends with 以…结束;plays with 和某人一起玩;玩…;gets on with和…相处。根据下文Then the fight begins.然后比赛开始了,所以在比赛开始之前先是演奏音乐,所以是以音乐开始,故选A。 5.句意:在跳舞的时候,每一名拳击手都会向对方展示他们是最好的。get 得到,使;make 制作;show 展示;use使用。根据句意可知,两个拳击手在比赛开始之前,先从气势上压倒对方,所以是向对方展示自己是最棒的。故应选C。 6.句意:在泰式拳击比赛中,拳击手们可以用脚踢,用他们的手肘和膝盖互相击打。must 必须;need 需要;dare 敢;can能,可以。根据句意可知,在泰式拳击比赛中,拳击手可以用脚,不是必须用脚。need和dare意思不行,故选D。 7.句意:大多数拳击手只能够战斗五个回合,因为这样的比赛太难了。difficult 困难的;interesting 有趣的;funny 滑稽的;heavy重的。根据文意和常识可知,拳击是一种很强烈的运动,拳击手能够战斗五个回合已经就很厉害了。因此我们应用difficult去形容这个运动。选A。 8.句意:如果一名士兵在战斗中失去了他们的武器,他们就只能用他们的身体来战斗。got 得到,使;held 举行;lost 失去;used使用。根据下句话he needed to fight with just his body他用身体战斗可知,是在失去了武器的情况下,故应选C。 9.句意:这些士兵了学会了如何用他们身体的各个部分去战斗。taught 教,是teach的过去式;learnt 学习,学会;saw 看见;seemed好像。根据文意可知,士兵失去了武器,所以要学会用身体去战斗。故应选C。 10.句意:他打败了缅甸所有最好的斗士,从缅甸获得了自由。beat 打败;hit 击打;撞击;found 发现,找到;won赢。根据下文by defeating all the best Burmese fighters. When he returned to Thailand可知,他打败了缅甸所有最好的斗士,回到了泰国,所以是赢得了自由。故应选D。 点睛:这篇短文是一篇说明文,讲述了拳击这项运动的比赛规则、历史等。短文在理解上有一定的难度,再加上完形填空这一题型本身也有一定的难度,所以这个题目对于学生们来说是有些困难的。但是做题的时候,我们仍然可以综合运用一些做题的方法和技巧来应对它。例如,我们还是应首先通读短文,掌握文章的大意。这篇短文讲述的就是boxing,拳击。填空的时候,要注意上下文的提示,还可以结合我们的常识。例如第1小题,这句话说的是拳击手套,那么很简单,手套应戴在手上。再如第2小题,在短文的下面重现了这个单词hit,拳击手在比赛中是互相击打对方,所以用hit。还有如第10小题,因为下文说到了这个泰国的国王最终回到了泰国,所以他是赢得了自由,故用won。

—Look! I have got Dad's computer to work again.

—    ! Then he won't get angry with us.

A. Nice work    B. No way

C. You've got no chance    D. Face the truth



—Didn't they beat you last time?

—    .But we lost by only 3 points.

A. Yes,we did    B. No,we didn't

C. Yes,they did    D. No,they didn't



The Browns love their son so much that they always want to stop him from     into ftrouble.

A. gets    B. to get    C. getting    D. will get



Chen Xiang trained     hard that he hurt his foot.

A. enough    B. too    C. very    D. so



Mr King didn't go anywhere yesterday.    ,he watched TV all day.

A. In fact    B. At the same time

C. At first    D. From then on



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