满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

1.I heard that you broke the __________...


1.I heard that you broke the ____________(纪录) in the race.Well done!

2.She____________(受折磨) a lot from a great pain in her left leg.

3.Diamond is a ____________(象征) of beauty and elegance.

4.Our parents always____________(鼓励) us to study hard.

5.Zhang Yining's ____________(能力) in playing table tennis is noticed by her coach.


1.record 2.suffered 3.symbol 4.encourage 5.ability 【解析】 1.句意:我听说你打破了赛跑的纪录,做得好。record纪录,是一个名词,前面有定冠词the来修饰这个名词。 2.句意:她的左腿非常疼痛,这让她受了很多折磨。suffer遭受,忍受,受折磨,是一个动词。根据句意可知,这件事应该是发生在过去的,故应用一般过去时态,动词用过去式,故填suffered。 3.句意:钻石是美丽和高贵的象征。symbol象征,是一个名词,a symbol of…一个…的象征。 4.句意:我们的父母总是鼓励我们努力学习。encourage鼓励,是一个动词。根据句意和句中的always可知,这里是经常性的动作,应用一般现在时态,主语Our parents是复数,故填动词原形。 5.句意:张怡宁打乒乓球的能力引起了教练的注意。ability名词,能力,因为空前面Zhang Yining’s是一个名词所有格形式,修饰名词,故填ability。 点睛:这个题型是单词拼写,考查学生在具体语境中使用单词的能力。我们应根据句意和所给的单词的汉语意思来填写单词,学生们不仅要正确书写单词,还需要注意使用单词的正确形式,如名词的单复数、动词的时态、形容词和副词等。第1小题、第3小题和第5小题考查了名词形式,这几个空的前面有冠词或者所有格都是修饰名词的。第2小题考查了动词的一般过去时态,填过去式。第4小题考查了动词的一般现在时态,填动词原形。

Exercise not only improves your appearance,but also improves your health.Health experts advise people to choose physical activities that they find fun.So,what are some of the most popular forms of exercise in the USA?

Walking tops the list.It is considered to be the way to get exercise.Walking is also said to be the least harmful to the knees and feet.So,it's a perfect choice for the old.

Another popular form of exercise is jogging.In the 1970s,Bill Bowerman brought jogging to the USA.He did so after seeing the popularity of the activity during a trip to New Zealand in the 1960s.He started the first jogging club in America.He also helped found Nike.

Swimming is also very popular.It was the second most popular sporting activity in America in 2008.Top activity was walking.When one is swimming,the whole body is put to work.It is said that swimming is good for people with special needs,like pregnant(怀孕的) women.

Dancing can also be a fun way to exercise.This is especially true for those who see exercise as something that they should do.A dance fitness programme called Zumba has grown in popularity in recent years.It was created by Alberto Perez in Colombia in the 1990s.In 2001,he brought the programme to the USA.Since then,it has spread around the world.

1.Which of the following can be put in    ?

A. easiest    B. most helpful

C. most difficult    D. most expensive

2.Bill Bowerman    .

A. went to New Zealand in the 1970s

B. started New Zealand's first jogging club

C. founded Nike on his own

D. brought jogging to the USA

3.From the fourth paragraph,we can learn that    .

A. swimming was not popular in 2008

B. swimming was more popular than walking in 2008

C. walking was the most popular form of exercise in 2008

D. it's not good for pregnant women to go swimming

4.According to the last paragraph,we know that Zumba    .

A. has a very long history

B. is the name of a dance club

C. was created in the USA

D. became popular not long ago

5.What is the passage mainly about?

A. The advantages of exercise.

B. Some popular forms of exercise in the USA.

C. The history of some forms of exercise.

D. Advice on how to choose the best form of exercise.



Volleyball is a team sport played with a ball and a net.There are teams on each side of the net.Each team tries to score points by grounding the ball on the other team's court(球场).

There are two main kinds of competitive(竞技性的) volleyball played in the world right now.They are team volleyball and beach volleyball.Both are Olympic sports.Team volleyball is played indoors on a hard court with 6 people per team.Beach volleyball is played outdoors on the sand with 2 players per team.

Volleyball can be a lot of fun to play.To play with friends,you can play with any number of people and anyone can join in.To be a competitive player takes lots of practice.Good height and jumping ability help a lot.

Volleyball was invented by William Morgan in 1895.He worked for the YMCA(基督教青年会)and was trying to think up a game that would be fun,like basketball.Of course the rules have changed some since then,but it quickly became a popular sport at the YMCA.The name volleyball came about when a man named Alfred Halstead noticed how the game had a volleying nature.

Volleyball was first played as an Olympic sport in the 1964 Olympics.Japan won the first gold medal in women's volleyball and the USSR(苏联)won the first gold in men's volleyball.

1.What does the underlined word “grounding” mean in Chinese?

A. ……以底色    B. ……种在地下

C. ……接地    D. 使……碰到地面

2.Which of the following about team volleyball and beach volleyball is NOT true?

A. Both are team sports.

B. Both are Olympic sports.

C. Both are played indoors.

D. Both are competitive volleyball.

3.Volleyball was invented     .

A. in 1985

B. 122 years ago

C. in 1964

D. by Alfred Halstead

4.     won the first Olympic gold medal in women's volleyball.

A. Japan    B. The USA

C. The UK    D. The USSR

5.The last two paragraphs of the article are mainly about     .

A. the history of volleyball

B. how volleyball rules have changed

C. basic volleyball rules

D. how the name volleyball came about



Several summers ago,Joe Smith,the coach of a football team,and his family were spending their holiday in a small town.One rainy afternoon,it was impossible for them to go out to do anything interesting,so the family decided to go to the cinema.Joe,his wife and their children walked down to the town's only cinema,bought tickets and went into the hall.The lights were still on,and there were just six other people there.As Joe entered,some of them saw him and started clapping(鼓掌).

Joe gave them a smile and turned to his wife.“Aha,I can't believe they know me and I'm getting a warm welcome here,” he said,“I guess they saw my games on TV.”

They sat down and then a young man came over and reached out his hand to shake hands with Joe.“Thanks a lot,” replied the coach,“I just can't believe you know who I am.” The man looked puzzled(困惑的).“All I know,” replied the man,“is that they would not show the film until at least ten people bought tickets.”

1.Joe and his family decided to go to the cinema because    .

A. they enjoyed seeing films in a small town

B. it was impossible for Joe and his team to have a football match that afternoon

C. they wanted to try something new for a change

D. nothing else could interest them on a rainy afternoon

2.When Joe and his family got to the cinema,    .

A. all the tickets had been sold out

B. the film had been on for quite some time

C. people in the hall were waiting anxiously (焦急地)

D. everyone in the cinema was clapping

3.How did Joe feel when he was given such a warm welcome?

A. He felt surprised.

B. He felt worried.

C. He felt proud.

D. He felt both surprised and proud.

4.How many children did Joe have?

A. At least one.    B. At least two.

C. At least three.    D. At least five.

5.Why did the people in the cinema welcome Joe and his family so warmly?

A. Because he was the coach of a football team.

B. Because he and his family were new-comers in the small town.

C. Because they had seen Joe's games on TV.

D. Because they could not see the film until enough people had arrived.



Perhaps most people know the Chinese famous boxer Zou Shiming,but how many people are familiar with the exciting sport—boxing or Thai(泰国的) Boxing?

Boxing(拳击) is popular in many countries.Two fighters wear boxing gloves on their____.A bell rings.The boxers____each other until one knocks the other out.Each part of the fight is three____long.It is called a round.

Thai boxing is different.The boxing match____music from drums and flutes.Then the two fighters kneel()and pray to God.Next they do a slow dance that copies the movements of Thai boxing.During this dance,each fighter tries to____the other that he is the best.

Then the fight begins.In Thai boxing,the fighters____kick with their feet and hit each other with their elbows and knees.Of course they hit with their hands,too.Most boxers can fight only five rounds because this kind of fighting is too____

Thai boxing began over 500 years ago.If a soldier____his weapons(武器) in a battle,he needed to fight with just his body.The soldiers____how to use all the parts of their body.In 1560,the Burmese(缅甸的) army captured(俘获) the King of Thailand in a war.He was a very good boxer.He____the freedom from Burma by defeating all the best Burmese fighters.When he returned to Thailand,his people were very proud of him.So Thai boxing became a popular sport.

1.A. fingers    B. feet    C. hands    D. arms

2.A. help    B. teach    C. know    D. hit

3.A. hours    B. minutes    C. seconds    D. days

4.A. begins with    B. ends with    C. plays with    D. gets on with

5.A. get    B. make    C. show    D. use

6.A. must    B. need    C. dare    D. can

7.A. difficult    B. interesting    C. funny    D. heavy

8.A. got    B. held    C. lost    D. used

9.A. taught    B. learnt    C. saw    D. seemed

10.A. beat    B. hit    C. found    D. won



—Look! I have got Dad's computer to work again.

—    ! Then he won't get angry with us.

A. Nice work    B. No way

C. You've got no chance    D. Face the truth



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