满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

I like eating rice, noodles, strawberrie...

I like eating rice, noodles, strawberries, ice cream, hamburgers and so on. But my favorite ____ is dumplings. Every Sunday, my mother ____ many dumplings for me. If she has ____ time, I’ll go to the supermarket to ____ some. Dumplings look ____ white boats(). They are very delicious. ____ my birthday every year, I usually help my mother make a lot of dumplings. Do you know the ____? Because I often ask some friends to ____ them with me. There are different kinds of ____ and meat in them. My friends ____ like to eat them very much.

1.A. food    B. dessert    C. fruit

2.A. do    B. does    C. makes

3.A. some    B. no    C. any

4.A. want    B. order    C. buy

5.A. for    B. at    C. like

6.A. In    B. On    C. About

7.A. kind    B. size    C. reason

8.A. eat    B. drink    C. like

9.A. noodles    B. dumplings    C. vegetables

10.A. all    B. every    C. both


1.A 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.C 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.A 【解析】这篇短文主要讲述了作者最喜欢吃很多食物,及作者最喜欢吃的食物是饺子。 1.句意:但是我最喜欢的食物是饺子。A. food食物;B. dessert甜食;C. fruit水果;dumplings在这里是饺子,指的是食物。根据题意,故选A。 2.句意:每个周日,我母亲为我包许多饺子。A. do做;B. does做,第三人称单数;C. makes使,制作;短语make dumplings表示包饺子。根据题意,故选C。 3.句意:如果她没有时间,我会去超市买一些。A. some一些;B. no没有;C. any任何。根据下文去超市买,可知是没有时间。故选B。 4.句意:如果她没有时间,我会去超市买一些。A. want想;B. order点,预定;C. buy买。这里是说去超市买。根据题意,故选C。 5.句意:饺子看起来像白色的船。A. for为了;B. at在……;C. like像……;这里是说像……,用介词like。根据题意,故选C。 6.句意:每年在我生日的时候。. In在……里面;B. On在……上;C. About大约;在某人生日的时候用介词On。根据题意, 故选B。 7. 句意:你知道原因吗?A. kind种类;B. size型号;C. reason原因;根据下文Because I often ask some friends to ___8___ them with me.可知这里是在问原因。根据题意,故选C。 8. 句意:因为我经常让我的一些朋友和我一起吃他们。A. eat吃;B. drink喝;C. like喜欢。短语ask sb. to do sth,表示让某人去做某事,这里是说和我一起吃。故选A。 9.句意:在他们的里面有不同种类的蔬菜和肉。 A. noodles面条;B. dumplings饺子;C. vegetables蔬菜;这里是说蔬菜。根据题意, 故选C。 10.句意:我的朋友们都非常地喜欢吃他们。A. all全都;B. every每个;C. both两者都。这里是指三者或三者以上的朋友们,用all。根据题意, 故选A。 点睛:点睛:做完形填空时,首先,快速浏览一遍文章,了解大意; 第二,判断所要填的词的词性,与选项对比,并结合上下文意思,选择最佳答案;如第7小题,根据下文Because I often ask some friends to ___8___ them with me.可知这里是在问原因。根据题意,故选C。 第三,做完后,通读全文。看看有无不妥之处。 最重要的还是靠平时的积累,如一些固定搭配,短语,习惯用语,常识性的等等,还有就是平时要多读多看,积累语感,这点非常重要。

There are ________ tomatoes on the table.

A. many    B. much    C. a little    D. any



—What size shoes do you want?


A. Small shoes    B. Size 36

C. 36 size    D. Big shoes



-- Ben, would you like to play football with us?

-- ________, but I have to wash the dishes first.

A. No, I can’t    B. I don’t want to

C. Yes, please    D. I’d like to



We would like _____ small hamburgers.

A. eating    B. eat    C. to eat    D. ate



-- Which scarf would you like best?   -I’d like _____.

A. red ones    B. the red one    C. a tie    D. ties



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