满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

We should do our best to prevent the riv...

We should do our best to prevent the river from __________.

A. pollute    B. polluting    C. be polluted    D. being polluted


D 【解析】本题考查非谓语。句意“我们应该尽我们最大的努力保护河流免受污染”。固定搭配prevent ... from doing sth,排除A和C。又因为河流被污染,故选D。  

–--A homeless man won a lottery ticket. He became rich over night.


A. Better safe than sorry.    B. The early bird catches the worm.

C. Every dog has its day.    D. Action speak louder than word



His face looks familiar(熟悉的) to me. I remember _____him ______ in my hometown.

A. to see, sometimes    B. seeing, some times

C. to see, some time    D. seeing, sometime



--- Where’s Miss Evens? Someone ______ for her at the school gate.

---She _______ to the post office.

A. is waiting, went    B. waits, went    C. is waiting, has gone    D. wait, has gone



--- Look, your sister is playing the violin over there.

--- She ____________ be my sister. She has gone to America.

A. may not    B. mustn’t    C. shouldn’t    D. can’t



--- Will you go to the fashion show on Saturday?--- Yes, I will if I ___________.

A. will be invited    B. has invited    C. was invited    D. am invited



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