满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

1.She is ___________ ( talent ) in pain...


1.She is ___________ ( talent ) in painting and wants to be a painter.

2.The boy is going to be a ____________ ( magic) when he grows up.

3.They finished the work ______________ ( beautiful ) and we are proud of them.

4.She is the ______________ (win) of the singing competition.

5.My father told me something important ________________( serious).


1.talented 2.magician 3.beautifully 4.winner 5.seriously 【解析】 1.Be talented in sth/doing sth在某方面或做某方面有天赋。故答案为talented。 2.句意:这男孩长大后想成为一个魔术师。魔术师是magician。故答案为 magician。 3.此题用beautiful的副词形式修饰动词finish。故答案为beautifully。 4.句意:她是歌唱比赛的获胜者。获胜者是winner。故答案为winner。 5.此题用serious的副词修饰动词told。故答案为seriously。


1.In the famous competition,____________ (获胜者)always get very good prizes.

2.Some students in western areas are too__________(贫穷的)to afford pens and notebooks.

3.Mike is the most ______________(有创造力的)student in hisclass.

4.This question seems easy, but not _______________(人人)can answer it.

5.You must take this English test_________________ (严肃地).

6.His mother________________()a nice birthday gift to him two days ago.

7.He is a great singer. He sings the most b______________.

8.She showed a great t_________________ for acting at an early age.

9.She won first p____________ in the talk show.

10.Liu Qian is a famous m_________________ from Taiwan.



Dear Nancy,

You asked about places to go and things to do in my town. Let me tell you now.

The Downtown Plaza is always fun. It’s a shopping area in the oldest part of town. There are some good stores and restaurants there. For example, Andrea's Boutique is in Downtown Plaza. It's a fun place to shop, and it has the best quality clothes.

My favorite restaurant in town is Nick's Cafe. It is near my house. It's cheap and its hamburgers are great. I like Dragon City Restaurant? too. You can eat wonderful noodles there and the beef noodles are the most delicious! You must try the dumplings, too! But the dumplings are more expensive than Nick’s.

The Suburb Cinema is the best movie theater. It has the biggest screens and the most comfortable seats. The Del Ray Complex is a good place to go to the movies, too. It doesn't have the newest movies, but the tickets are cheaper than any other theater in town.

Anyway, there are lots of things to do and see here. Come for a visit soon!



1.What did Nancy want to know from Kate?


2.What is Downtown Plaza?


3.What kind of food can Nancy eat in town?


4.Where will you go if you want to eat beef noodles?


5.What are the Suburb Cinema and the Del Ray Complex like?




service,popular,survey,good, delicious, think,what,and,play,friendly

What do students1.about fast-food restaurants in our city? We did a2.of the students in our school last week and this is3.we learned. Most of the students think all fast-food restaurants are good, and the KFC is the4.in our city. It has the most creative food and the best5..However, McDonald’s is the cheapest6. it has the funniest pictures. It also7. the most interesting music. The most8. restaurant is the Pizza Hut. It has the most 9. food and the10. service.



---Lily has two sistersdoesn’t she?

---Yes. She’s taller and older than her two sistersbut she’s not ______ one of the three.

A. the tallest    B. youngest

C. shortest    D. the cleverest



I like hiking in the forest because the air is pretty ______.

A. free    B. dirty    C. polluted    D. fresh



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