满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

The earlier kids learn to be independent...

The earlier kids learn to be independent, the ________ it is for their future.

A. good    B. well

C. better    D. best


C 【解析】试题分析:句意:孩子越早学会独立,这对他们的未来越好。 “The + 比较级, the + 比较级”表示“越……越”,是一个固定句型,所以选C。 考点:考查比较等级的句式。  

In order to have more tourists to Yunnan, we need to come up with more    ideas.

A. awful    B. meaningless

C. creative    D. embarrassing



Which country is _____         _, China, England or Canada?

A. largest    B. larger    C. the largest    D. the larger



How much should I pay for the meal?

—That’s          to you_______ decide!

A. as; as    B. up; to

C. thanks; to    D. on; to




1.She is ___________ ( talent ) in painting and wants to be a painter.

2.The boy is going to be a ____________ ( magic) when he grows up.

3.They finished the work ______________ ( beautiful ) and we are proud of them.

4.She is the ______________ (win) of the singing competition.

5.My father told me something important ________________( serious).




1.In the famous competition,____________ (获胜者)always get very good prizes.

2.Some students in western areas are too__________(贫穷的)to afford pens and notebooks.

3.Mike is the most ______________(有创造力的)student in hisclass.

4.This question seems easy, but not _______________(人人)can answer it.

5.You must take this English test_________________ (严肃地).

6.His mother________________()a nice birthday gift to him two days ago.

7.He is a great singer. He sings the most b______________.

8.She showed a great t_________________ for acting at an early age.

9.She won first p____________ in the talk show.

10.Liu Qian is a famous m_________________ from Taiwan.



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