满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

I wonder ________ as the ads has promise...

I wonder ________ as the ads has promised.

A. does the air-cleaner really work    B. the air -cleaner really works

C. that the air-cleaner really works    D. if the air-cleaner really works


D 【解析】句意:我想知道是否空气过滤器真的工作起来像广告承诺的那样。这里考查是宾语从句,宾语从句的语序是陈述语序,故排除A;根据空格前有wonder可知,宾语从句的引导词用if,不能用that。故选D。  

“One Belt, One Road (一带一路)” will help to ________ markets for China as well as other countries along.

A. put up    B. look up    C. take up    D. open up



--- Did you enjoy your time in the concert?

--- Yes, I have never been to _________ one before.

A. a better    B. the best    C. a worse    D. the worst



--- Oh, dear! A power cut!

   --- Sorry, I didn’t know you _________ the washing machine.

A. are using    B. used    C. use    D. were using



--- I watched “Super Brain” yesterday. ______ wonderful game show!

--- Yes, and we can learn many amazing things.

A. What a    B. What    C. How a    D. How



--- Aunt Li, who is the lovely boy in red in the picture?

--- It’s my son. The picture ________ 10 years ago.

A. took    B. is taken    C. has taken    D. was taken



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