满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

The other day, I had to take an evening ...

The other day, I had to take an evening train to Bibury, where I’d found a new job. That afternoon I took a ______ to the flat that I then shared with my friend Monica. I ______ a brown bag. There were several important documents including my train ticket inside. The driver was friendly and we began to chat. I told him ______ about the new job.

When I arrived home, I saw several friends who had come to say goodbye waving from our flat’s balcony. I quickly paid the driver and ______ out to meet them. A few hours later, I realized I’d left my bag in the taxi. My documents were all now ______, besides the train ticket, but I decided to catch the train anyway.

The conductor made me pay for a ______ ticket in the train. During the journey, I couldn’t stop thinking about my bag. When the train made a long ______ at a station, I got off and called Monica from a public telephone. “You won’t believe it!” Monica shouted, “Your driver came home with the bag. In fact, he even ______ it from getting stolen.”

After ______ me off, the driver had picked up another ______ who started walking off with my bag. The driver remembered ______ that she didn’t have any bag when she got in. He stopped the woman, got my ______ back and returned to our apartment building the next day and searched for a young woman who was moving to Bibury for a new job. A neighbour directed ______ to Monica. When Monica thanked and ______ him some money as a reward, he refused. ______ Monica insisted he should take the fare to the flat and back, and he finally accepted that.

We often talk about hard-nosed drivers who ruin our day. But the good news is that there’re many honest ones, too.

1.A. bus    B. taxi    C. train    D. subway

2.A. bought    B. found    C. carried    D. borrowed

3.A. excitedly    B. carefully    C. specially    D. quickly

4.A. turned    B. rushed    C. walked    D. climbed

5.A. broken    B. thrown    C. lost    D. stolen

6.A. cheap    B. fresh    C. free    D. same

7.A. trip    B. fall    C. start    D. stop

8.A. brought    B. caught    C. saved    D. hid

9.A. throwing    B. putting    C. pushing    D. dropping

10.A. driver    B. passenger    C. conductor    D. thief

11.A. clearly    B. wisely    C. angrily    D. successfully

12.A. money    B. bag    C. ticket    D. job

13.A. her    B. him    C. me    D. them

14.A. posted    B. raised    C. gave    D. sent

15.A. Because    B. So    C. Although    D. But


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.B 7.D 8.C 9.D 10.B 11.A 12.B 13.B 14.C 15.D 【解析】本文叙述了作者有一次做出租车由于疏忽,把自己的手提包忘在了车里,包里有重要的文件和火车票,结果出租车司机为了这个包放下手中的活,把包给作者送去了。 1.考查名词及语境的理解。A. bus公交车; B. taxi出租车;C. train火车; D. subway地铁。 句意:那天下午我乘出租车到了我和我的朋友Monica一起合租的公寓。根据I realized I’d left my bag in the taxi.可知,作者是乘出租车到了自己的公寓。故选B。 2.考查动词及语境的理解。A. bought买; B. found发现; C. carried携带; D. borrowed借。句意:我带着我的棕色的包。根据There were several important documents including my train ticket inside.可知,包里装着一些重要的文件还有我的火车票。所以作者是随身带着这个棕色的包。故选C。 3.考查副词及语境的理解。A. excitedly兴奋地,高兴地; B. carefully仔细地; C. specially特别地; D. quickly快地。句意:我高兴地告诉他我的新工作。根据about the new job可知,作者因为有了新工作感到高兴。故选A。 4.考查动词及语境的理解。A. turned转身; B. rushed冲; C. walked走; D. climbed爬。 句意:我快地付给司机钱,飞出去迎接他们。根据I quickly paid the driver 可知,作者的动作很快。故选B。 5.考查动词及语境的理解。A. broken 坏了; B. thrown扔; C. lost丢失; D. stolen偷。 句意:所有的文件都丢了。根据I realized I’d left my bag in the taxi.可知,是作者自己把文件忘在了出租车里,现在找不到了,所以可以说是丢了。故选C。 6.考查形容词及语境的理解。A. cheap便宜的; B. fresh 新的; C. free空闲的,免费的; D. same 同一的。same前经常与the连用,故排除D;句意:售票员让我在火车上又买一张。根据When the train made a long ___7___ at a station作者坐车了,售票员肯定让她买票乘车。故选B。 7.考查名词及语境的理解。A. trip旅行; B. fall掉下; C. start开始; D. stop停留。 句意:当火车在车站停留时间长的时候,我下了车,在公共电话亭给Monica 打了电话。根据I got off and called Monica from a public telephone.可知,只有火车停的时间长的时候,才可以下车去打电话。故选D。 8.考查动词及语境的理解。A. brought带来; B. caught抓住; C. saved保护; D. hid躲藏。句意:事实上,他甚至防止包被偷。短语save sth from doing sth阻止某事的发生。根据The driver remembered ___11___ that she didn’t have any bag when she got in. He stopped the woman, got my ___12___ back and returned to our apartment building the next day and searched for a young woman who was moving to Bibury for a new job. 可知,司机看见另外一个乘客想拿走包,他及时制止了。故选C。 9.考查动名词及语境的理解。A. throwing扔; B. putting放; C. pushing推挤; D. dropping sb off让某人下车。句意:在让我下车之后,司机又拉了一位乘客,这个乘客带着我的包就走开了。根据the driver had picked up another ___10___ who started walking off with my bag.可知,是在作者下车之后,又拉了一位乘客。故选D。 10.考查名词及语境的理解。A. driver司机; B. passenger乘客; C. conductor 售票员; D. thief小偷。句意:在让我下车之后,司机又拉了一位乘客,这个乘客带着我的包就走开了。根据After ___9___ me off, the driver had picked up another可知作者是一名乘客,作者在下车之后,应该是另一名乘客又上车。故选B。 11.考查副词及语境的理解。A. clearly清楚地; B. wisely聪明地; C. angrily生气地; D. successfully成功地。句意:司机记得她上车的时候没有带包。根据He stopped the woman, got my ___12___ back and returned to our apartment building the next day and searched for a young woman who was moving to Bibury for a new job.可知,司机清楚地记得后来的这名乘客没有包,当她把包带走的时候,及时地把包追回来了。可知司机记得很清楚第二名乘客没有带包。故选A。 12.考查名词及语境的理解。A. money钱; B. bag包; C. ticket票; D. job工作。句意:他阻止了那位妇女,把我的包要回来了。根据I realized I’d left my bag in the taxi.可知,作者把包忘在这辆出租车里,所以应该是把作者的包要回来了。故选B。 13.考查代词及语境的理解。A. her她; B. him他;C. me我; D. them他们。句意:一位邻居指导他去找Monica.根据上文可知,这里指那个司机。故选B。 14.考查动词及语境的理解。A. posted发帖; B. raised 提高; C. gave给; D. sent寄出。句意:当Monica 要感谢他,给他一些钱作为酬谢的时候,他拒绝了。短语give sb sth给某人某物。故选C。 15.考查连词及语境的理解。A. Because因为; B. So因此; C. Although尽管; D. But但是。句意:但是Monica 坚持让他拿着往来的路费。根据When Monica thanked and ___14___ him some money as a reward, he refused.前后是转折关系。故选D。 点睛:1.通览全文,掌握大意。做题时,应先越过空档,通读全文,理顺题意,找出信息词。首先看一下文章的首句和尾句,使自己心中大概有个印象,我们应该依据首句给的启示,通过逻辑思维,借助短文中关键词所提供的信息,越过空档,尽快把全文读完,建立语言的整体感,帮助我们了解短文大意。然后再去通读全文,不失为一个窍门。 2.先易后难,完成各项。通览全文后,对文章有了整体印象,在此基础上,可以根据全文大意,展开逻辑思维,分析这一空格处在句中的地位,前后的关系和它所起的作用,确定最佳答案。综合考虑全文大意和词不离句、句不离文的原则,把上下文的意思(如:1、2、3、4、5、6、7、10、11、12、13题)、句法结构、词类和语法功能、惯用法、逻辑推理常识等各种因素加在一起综合考虑,仔细推敲。要准确判断出题目的类型,语法知识类较多地表现为动词时态、语态的选用或句子成分的辨识;词语知识方面的题目要从词性、词形区分,同义词语辨析、习惯搭配、习惯用语、结构词选择等方面考虑;情景推理题要注重跳出句子层次,注意句间的结构、意义上的连接和照应关系,有时还应在段与段之间、情节与情节之间或更大范围内上下文照应,因此对短文作“全景式”的总体把握对每一空的正确解答非常重要。注意句型、语法、词语搭配和习惯用法。如:8、9、14题。 3.复读全文,消除疏漏。完成所有空档后,还要再次通读全文,看看这时的短文行文是否流畅,意义是否连贯,逻辑关系是否合理。复查时,可从语法入手,检查一下句子的时态、主谓一致、代词的性、数、格以及词语的搭配等是否正确。凡遇疑点,必须根据文章的中心思想,从意义、语法的角度来仔细权衡,除此之外,复读时对全篇文章的理解,检查全文是否前后贯通,再次将不合题意的答案调整或修改;如果实在无法确定,可以作推理性猜测,不可放弃不填。

--- What about going to Marco Polo Flowers Ocean Theme Park this Sunday, Cathy?

--- ________! We’ll have a lot of fun there.

A. Good luck    B. Never mind    C. Sounds great    D. Certainly not



I wonder ________ as the ads has promised.

A. does the air-cleaner really work    B. the air -cleaner really works

C. that the air-cleaner really works    D. if the air-cleaner really works



“One Belt, One Road (一带一路)” will help to ________ markets for China as well as other countries along.

A. put up    B. look up    C. take up    D. open up



--- Did you enjoy your time in the concert?

--- Yes, I have never been to _________ one before.

A. a better    B. the best    C. a worse    D. the worst



--- Oh, dear! A power cut!

   --- Sorry, I didn’t know you _________ the washing machine.

A. are using    B. used    C. use    D. were using



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