满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

If you’re in a hard time, a tiny thing m...

If you’re in a hard time, a tiny thing may be the greatest help for you. That’s touch. Touch is one of the most important of our five senses. It is one of the first senses we develop. One of the most commonly accepted forms of touch among people is also one of the first experiences we have in the world---A hug!

There is no better way to understand the importance of hugs than to lose them. For those who have experienced the loss of hugs, you will know how important they are to share.

A recent research has shown that when people hug, the brain releases the chemical which increases our willingness to trust and reduces fear. It has also shown that hugs are great for your heart.

In 1995, a pair of newly born twins was being cared for in hospital. While one of the twins seemed quite healthy, her sister was not. After trying different medical treatments, the nurse on duty, Gayle Kasparian, placed the twins in bed together. The twins immediately snuggled (依偎) up to each other. As one placed her arm around the other, the weak baby became better gradually. How great the power of a hug is!

The need for hugs doesn’t disappear as we grow older, though it seems we are less willing to give them. Research on people of all ages has proven that a hug is necessary for physical and emotional health.

Without hugs we can become sad. A hug provides safety and gentleness. A hug provides us with social contact, a sense of health and a feeling of importance and belonging.

1.The underlined word "they" in the second paragraph refers to __________.

A. touches    B. people    C. hugs    D. experiences

2.The story of the twins tells us ___________.

A. twins should be placed in bed together    B. the power of a hug is great

C. twins can look after each other well    D. medical treatments are important

3.Which of the statements is TRUE according of the passage?

A. A hug is the only form of touch among people.

B. The loss of hugs can make them more important.

C. Hugs can get people to trust each other more

D. We don’t need hugs when we grow older.

4.The best title of the passage can be __________.

A. The great importance of Hugs    B. The different ways of Hugs

C. The traditional cultures of Hugs    D. The interesting stories of Hugs


1.C 2.B 3.C 4.A 【解析】本文叙述了拥抱可以帮助一些需要帮助的人。作者从一个双胞胎的例子,来说明拥抱的伟大力量,告诉人们拥抱的重要性。 1.词义猜测题。根据There is no better way to understand the importance of hugs than to lose them. For those who have experienced the loss of hugs, you will know how important they are to share.没有比失去拥抱能更好的理解拥抱的重要性了,对于那些经历过失去拥抱的人,就会知道它们有多么重要。根据understand the importance of hugs这里指的是拥抱的重要。可推知这里指拥抱。故选C。 2.细节理解题。根据As one placed her arm around the other, the weak baby became better gradually. 当一个婴儿搂着另一个的时候,虚弱的婴儿逐渐康复了,可知告诉人们拥抱的力量是伟大的,故选B。 3.细节理解题。根据Without hugs we can become sad. A hug provides safety and gentleness. A hug provides us with social contact, a sense of health and a feeling of importance and belonging.没有拥抱,我们就会变得悲伤,一个拥抱提供了安全和温和,一个拥抱为我们提供了接触社会、提供健康意识、重要的感觉和归属感,那么也同时增加了彼此的信任感。故选C。 4.标题归纳题。根据One of the most commonly accepted forms of touch among people is also one of the first experiences we have in the world---A hug!第一段的最后是主题句,本文主要叙述了拥抱的作用及重要性。故选A。 点睛:确定标题归纳题的方法:1.在阅读文章时,要注意文章中反复出现或强调的信息,寻找与文章大多数内容相关的信息,找出覆盖全文的核心词汇,看选项内容是否切中文章的中心论题,也就是要看选项内容与作者的写作目的是否一致。 2.寻找文章的主题句   了解文章主要论题的关键是找到全文的主题句。主题句通常在文章首段,但是也可能在文章的末段、在文章的某一段落,或者分散在文章的各个段落中。如果每个段落都有主题句,那么把各段落的主题句的中心思想集中起来,即为全文的主题句。如:4题。 3.概括文章的主题   要把握文章主旨,就必须根据具体的语言环境、陈述内容的逻辑关系(文章的结构)、上下文的连贯意思及文中有关暗示来理解文章的深层含义。

Flowers are the best symbol of spring. The peach blossom (桃花) is one of those seasonal flowers. It usually blooms (开花) in March and April. You can enjoy the beautiful peach blossoms in almost any place of China, east or west, south or north. But if you want to find something special, you may go to Nyingchi in Tibet. There you can see a sea of pink at the foot of snow-covered mountains under a blue sky.

The peach blossom, with its beauty, has won the hearts of visitors as well as many Chinese poets and writers. From China’s first book of poetry, the Classic of Poetry, to the many poems of the Tang Dynasty, the peach blossom is usually connected to beautiful young ladies. As one famous poem goes, “In this house on this day last year a pink face vied; In beauty with the pink peach blossom side by side.” The peach blossom makes people think of the flush on a shy woman’s face.

Because of this, the peach blossom is always connected to romance in China. Chinese people often say “to have peach blossom luck”. It means being lucky in love. And if your eyes are in the shape of peach petals(花瓣), you have a pair of “peach blossom eyes”. And you probably have peach blossom luck.

1.What is the peach blossom connected to, according to old Chinese poems?

A. Happy little kids.    B. Handsome young men.

C. Pretty young ladies.    D. Smart old people.

2.The underlined word flush in Paragraph 2 may mean ____________.

A. 胎记    B. 微笑    C. 红晕    D. 害怕

3.Chinese people believe if someone has a pair of “peach blossom eyes”, he/she may ________.

A. have a good health.    B. be lucky in love.

C. have a fun day.    D. know the flower well.

4.What is the main idea of the story?

A. Where to enjoy peach blossoms.    B. How to have peach blossom luck.

C. An introduction of peach blossoms.    D. Poems of peach blossoms.



Have you ever tried making music with glasses or bottles filled with water? I bet your favorite band hasn’t. Experiment with your own special sounds by turning glasses of water into instruments, make some cool music and find out how it works.

What you’ll need:

Five or more drinking glasses or glass bottles. Water. Wooden stick such as a pencil. If possible, you’d better do it in a small but empty room with a long table in.


Line the glasses up next to each other and fill them with different amounts of water. The first should have just a little water while the last should be almost full, and the ones in between should have slightly more than the first.

Hit the glass with the least amount of water and watch the sound, then hit the glass with the most water, which makes the higher sound?

Hit the other glasses and see what noise they make. See if you can get a tune going by hitting the glasses in a certain order.

What’s happening?

Each of the glasses will have a different tone when you hit with the pencil. The glass with the most water will have the lowest tone while the glass with the least water will have the highest. Small vibrations (震动) are made when you hit the glass, and this creates sound waves which travel through the water. More water means slower vibrations and a deeper tone.

1.What’s needed in the experiment according to the passage?

A. Five bottles of water.    B. Seven drinking glasses

C. A big and empty room.    D. A pencil and a wooden stick.

2.According to the passage , the purpose of the experiment is to get __________.

A. a tone.    B. a tune.    C. some vibrations.    D. some water

3.Which glass can have the lowest tone when you hit it in the experiment?

A. The one with no water.    B. The one with the most water.

C. The one with the least water.    D. The one with half of the water.

4.Where is the passage the most likely to come from?

A. A Travelling Guide    B. A Child Novel

C. A Fashion Magazine    D. A Music Textbook.





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1.What are these ads for?

A. Place to go on vacation.    B. Products you can order online.

C. Special offers at a shopping center.    D. Things on sale in a big store.

2.If you spend $ 100 or more, ______________.

A. you can receive a 6-hour parking ticket    B. you can get a free shirt or tie

C. you can enter a music competition    D. a free book will belong to you

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the ads?

A. To park at the shopping center, you need to buy some stamps.

B. If you buy two CDs, you will be sure to get another CD for free at JB.

C. One person can buy 2 tickets for the price of one in any cinema.

D. At Mike’s Café, people can get a free drink after spending $ 6.



The other day, I had to take an evening train to Bibury, where I’d found a new job. That afternoon I took a ______ to the flat that I then shared with my friend Monica. I ______ a brown bag. There were several important documents including my train ticket inside. The driver was friendly and we began to chat. I told him ______ about the new job.

When I arrived home, I saw several friends who had come to say goodbye waving from our flat’s balcony. I quickly paid the driver and ______ out to meet them. A few hours later, I realized I’d left my bag in the taxi. My documents were all now ______, besides the train ticket, but I decided to catch the train anyway.

The conductor made me pay for a ______ ticket in the train. During the journey, I couldn’t stop thinking about my bag. When the train made a long ______ at a station, I got off and called Monica from a public telephone. “You won’t believe it!” Monica shouted, “Your driver came home with the bag. In fact, he even ______ it from getting stolen.”

After ______ me off, the driver had picked up another ______ who started walking off with my bag. The driver remembered ______ that she didn’t have any bag when she got in. He stopped the woman, got my ______ back and returned to our apartment building the next day and searched for a young woman who was moving to Bibury for a new job. A neighbour directed ______ to Monica. When Monica thanked and ______ him some money as a reward, he refused. ______ Monica insisted he should take the fare to the flat and back, and he finally accepted that.

We often talk about hard-nosed drivers who ruin our day. But the good news is that there’re many honest ones, too.

1.A. bus    B. taxi    C. train    D. subway

2.A. bought    B. found    C. carried    D. borrowed

3.A. excitedly    B. carefully    C. specially    D. quickly

4.A. turned    B. rushed    C. walked    D. climbed

5.A. broken    B. thrown    C. lost    D. stolen

6.A. cheap    B. fresh    C. free    D. same

7.A. trip    B. fall    C. start    D. stop

8.A. brought    B. caught    C. saved    D. hid

9.A. throwing    B. putting    C. pushing    D. dropping

10.A. driver    B. passenger    C. conductor    D. thief

11.A. clearly    B. wisely    C. angrily    D. successfully

12.A. money    B. bag    C. ticket    D. job

13.A. her    B. him    C. me    D. them

14.A. posted    B. raised    C. gave    D. sent

15.A. Because    B. So    C. Although    D. But



--- What about going to Marco Polo Flowers Ocean Theme Park this Sunday, Cathy?

--- ________! We’ll have a lot of fun there.

A. Good luck    B. Never mind    C. Sounds great    D. Certainly not



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