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A young painter completed a nice picture...

A young painter completed a nice picture. To get people’s t1. about his skills, he put it at a crossing on a busy street. And below it a board read, “Gentlemen, I have painted this piece. S2. I’m new, I might make some mistakes in it. Please put a cross (叉号) wherever you see a mistake.”

When he came back in the evening to c3. his picture, he was shocked to see that the whole picture was filled with crosses. And some people e4. wrote something on his picture. Sadly, he ran to his master and said, “I failed. And if this is what I have learned, I’m not w5. teaching. ”

The master smiled and suggested, “I’ll let you know that you’re a great artist. Now go to paint the same picture again and give it to me. ”

Then they went to the same street the next morning and put the new picture exactly at the same place. Now the master took out another board w6. said, “Gentlemen, I painted this piece. There might be some mistakes in it. I have put a box with colors and brushes just below. Please give me a h7.. If you see a mistake, pick up the brush and correct it.”

Two days later, they came back to the place. The young painter was s8. to see that actually there was not a single correction done!

It’s easy to say but difficult to do. If you want to help people i9. their behavior, you’d better learn how to help people change their attitudes (态度) or skills. Also, always remember not to judge (评判) y10. by someone else’s words and feel bad.


1.thoughts 2.Since 3.collect 4.even 5.worth 6.which 7.hand 8.surprised 9.improve 10.yourself 【解析】本文叙述了一个年轻的画家画了一张画,为了得到其他人的评价,于是他把画放在了繁华街道的十字路口,在画的下面写着,指出画的错误,在错误的地方画上叉号,结果到了晚上他去取画的时候看到画上画满了叉号。第二天他的老师也带来一张画放在了同一条街上,画的下面写着,在错误地方请拿起画笔重新画画改正,结果到了晚上画上没有一处改正的地方。告诉人们一个道理:说起来容易做起来难。 1.句意:为了得到人们对他的技能的想法,他把画放在了一个繁华的街道的路口。根据I might make some mistakes in it. Please put a cross (叉号) wherever you see a mistake.可知,画家想知道人们对这幅画的评论。因为许多人的想法,所以这里应该用复数形式。故答案为:thoughts. 2.句意:既然我是新人,我可能在画的画上有一些错误。这里逗号前后是句子,所以这里应该用连词根据句意故答案为:Since. 3.句意:当他晚上来收他的画的时候,他看见整幅画上有许多叉号,他感到很吃惊。因为上文提到作家把画放在了十字路口,晚上来收画。故答案为:collect. 4.句意:一些人甚至在画上写了一些东西。动词前应该用副词,画家本来想让在有错的地方画一个叉号,没有想到有人还写了一些东西,所以这里用even来加强语气。故答案为:even. 5.句意:我不值得教。短语be worth doing sth值得做某事。故答案为:worth. 6.句意:现在这位老师拿来另外一个木板,板上写着:先生们,我画了这个作品。这里board是先行词,关系词作定语从句的主语,先行词是物,所以这里应该用which,故答案为:which. 7.句意:请给我帮助。短语give sb a hand给某人以帮助。故答案为:hand. 8.句意:年轻的画家很吃惊看见实际上没有一个被改正的错误。短语be surprised to do sth吃惊做某事。故答案为:surprised. 9.句意:如果你想帮助人们提高他们的行为,你最好学会帮助人们改变他们的态度或技能。Help sb do sth帮助某人做某事。根据To get people’s t___1___ about his skills, he put it at a crossing on a busy street.他把画放在街上的目的就是来得到大家的看点,以便于提高自己的技能。故答案为:improve. 10.句意:并且,总是记住不要评判你自己仅仅凭借其他人的话而感到伤心。因为这句话的主语是you,所以这里用与you相对应的反身代词yourself,故答案为:yourself. 点睛:首字母填空题主要考察学生正确理解和书写英语单词。解答这种题需要平时扎实地打好基础,单词拼写要过关,善于分析句子结构,熟练各种词形首的变化,动词时态形式的变化,非谓语动词的运用等,另外,掌握必要的阅读技巧,也很重要。

The most important thing that leads to success is what you do every day. Your habits will decide whether you are successful or not. If you have strong positive (积极的) habits, you will succeed in the long term. On the other hand, if you have strong negative (消极的)habits, you will fail in the long term. It does not matter whether you succeed today or not.

Why are habits so important?

A positive action will not change your life, but the same action repeated 1,000 times will have a great effect on your life. For example, if you go to the gym one time, you won’t see some differences. However, if your go there 1,000 time over a five-year period, you will see a big difference in your body. The same is true of health, relationships, work, and school.

How to develop positive habits?

There’s nothing easier than developing positive habits. You simply have to do it every day. If you want to develop the habit of reading, read every day. Habits are created by repetition (重复). The more you do an action, the easier it becomes in the long run.

How to get rid of negative habits?

You can destroy (破坏) negative habits only by stopping them. If you are a smoker, stop smoking. Yes, it will be very difficult at the beginning. The first week will be very hard. After three weeks, you will feel a lot better. It’s hard to get rid of negative habits because you got a lot of pleasure from these habits in the past.

You can do it!

Everybody can change. All it takes is courage and determination(决心). Take action right now! Don’t be afraid. Yes, you will probably make mistakes along the way. But never forget that success is waiting for you if you have positive habits in your life. If you refuse to give up, success will be yours.

Title:Habits and 1.

Brief introduction

Whether you are successful or not is 2. by your habits.

Positive habits 3. to success in the long term while negative habits means the opposite.

Supporting details

Why are habits so important?

A positive action can’t change your life , but doing the same actions many times will 4. your life greatly.

Besides 5., it can also be used in relationships, work, and school.

How to develop positive habits?

It’s very6. to develop positive habits. Just do it!

To form habits, you need to 7.them more.

How to get rid of negative habits?

The only way to get rid of negative habits is to 8.them.

It’s always hard because of the pleasure you got in the past.

You can do it!

It takes9.and determination to change.

10.right now, for success is waiting for you!






1.You’d better not leave your exact __________(地址) online unless it’s an official website.

2.The _________ (十三) National Games will be held in Tianjin this August.

3.Mr. Lee teaches __________(我们) English but he’s more like a friend.

4.The first flight of C919 is a great success and we’re _________ (骄傲) of it.

5.He’s _________ (借) the classic music CD for over 2 weeks.

6.All the __________ (win) family members will attend the award presentation.

7.We’re glad to see that more people are helping fix those _________ (break) mobikes.

8.The airport _________ (special) sets a path for the disabled.

9.Look, Jim is busy _________ (dig) in the garden to plant trees.

10.Add a little salt to make the dish much ________ (taste).



If you’re in a hard time, a tiny thing may be the greatest help for you. That’s touch. Touch is one of the most important of our five senses. It is one of the first senses we develop. One of the most commonly accepted forms of touch among people is also one of the first experiences we have in the world---A hug!

There is no better way to understand the importance of hugs than to lose them. For those who have experienced the loss of hugs, you will know how important they are to share.

A recent research has shown that when people hug, the brain releases the chemical which increases our willingness to trust and reduces fear. It has also shown that hugs are great for your heart.

In 1995, a pair of newly born twins was being cared for in hospital. While one of the twins seemed quite healthy, her sister was not. After trying different medical treatments, the nurse on duty, Gayle Kasparian, placed the twins in bed together. The twins immediately snuggled (依偎) up to each other. As one placed her arm around the other, the weak baby became better gradually. How great the power of a hug is!

The need for hugs doesn’t disappear as we grow older, though it seems we are less willing to give them. Research on people of all ages has proven that a hug is necessary for physical and emotional health.

Without hugs we can become sad. A hug provides safety and gentleness. A hug provides us with social contact, a sense of health and a feeling of importance and belonging.

1.The underlined word "they" in the second paragraph refers to __________.

A. touches    B. people    C. hugs    D. experiences

2.The story of the twins tells us ___________.

A. twins should be placed in bed together    B. the power of a hug is great

C. twins can look after each other well    D. medical treatments are important

3.Which of the statements is TRUE according of the passage?

A. A hug is the only form of touch among people.

B. The loss of hugs can make them more important.

C. Hugs can get people to trust each other more

D. We don’t need hugs when we grow older.

4.The best title of the passage can be __________.

A. The great importance of Hugs    B. The different ways of Hugs

C. The traditional cultures of Hugs    D. The interesting stories of Hugs



Flowers are the best symbol of spring. The peach blossom (桃花) is one of those seasonal flowers. It usually blooms (开花) in March and April. You can enjoy the beautiful peach blossoms in almost any place of China, east or west, south or north. But if you want to find something special, you may go to Nyingchi in Tibet. There you can see a sea of pink at the foot of snow-covered mountains under a blue sky.

The peach blossom, with its beauty, has won the hearts of visitors as well as many Chinese poets and writers. From China’s first book of poetry, the Classic of Poetry, to the many poems of the Tang Dynasty, the peach blossom is usually connected to beautiful young ladies. As one famous poem goes, “In this house on this day last year a pink face vied; In beauty with the pink peach blossom side by side.” The peach blossom makes people think of the flush on a shy woman’s face.

Because of this, the peach blossom is always connected to romance in China. Chinese people often say “to have peach blossom luck”. It means being lucky in love. And if your eyes are in the shape of peach petals(花瓣), you have a pair of “peach blossom eyes”. And you probably have peach blossom luck.

1.What is the peach blossom connected to, according to old Chinese poems?

A. Happy little kids.    B. Handsome young men.

C. Pretty young ladies.    D. Smart old people.

2.The underlined word flush in Paragraph 2 may mean ____________.

A. 胎记    B. 微笑    C. 红晕    D. 害怕

3.Chinese people believe if someone has a pair of “peach blossom eyes”, he/she may ________.

A. have a good health.    B. be lucky in love.

C. have a fun day.    D. know the flower well.

4.What is the main idea of the story?

A. Where to enjoy peach blossoms.    B. How to have peach blossom luck.

C. An introduction of peach blossoms.    D. Poems of peach blossoms.



Have you ever tried making music with glasses or bottles filled with water? I bet your favorite band hasn’t. Experiment with your own special sounds by turning glasses of water into instruments, make some cool music and find out how it works.

What you’ll need:

Five or more drinking glasses or glass bottles. Water. Wooden stick such as a pencil. If possible, you’d better do it in a small but empty room with a long table in.


Line the glasses up next to each other and fill them with different amounts of water. The first should have just a little water while the last should be almost full, and the ones in between should have slightly more than the first.

Hit the glass with the least amount of water and watch the sound, then hit the glass with the most water, which makes the higher sound?

Hit the other glasses and see what noise they make. See if you can get a tune going by hitting the glasses in a certain order.

What’s happening?

Each of the glasses will have a different tone when you hit with the pencil. The glass with the most water will have the lowest tone while the glass with the least water will have the highest. Small vibrations (震动) are made when you hit the glass, and this creates sound waves which travel through the water. More water means slower vibrations and a deeper tone.

1.What’s needed in the experiment according to the passage?

A. Five bottles of water.    B. Seven drinking glasses

C. A big and empty room.    D. A pencil and a wooden stick.

2.According to the passage , the purpose of the experiment is to get __________.

A. a tone.    B. a tune.    C. some vibrations.    D. some water

3.Which glass can have the lowest tone when you hit it in the experiment?

A. The one with no water.    B. The one with the most water.

C. The one with the least water.    D. The one with half of the water.

4.Where is the passage the most likely to come from?

A. A Travelling Guide    B. A Child Novel

C. A Fashion Magazine    D. A Music Textbook.



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