满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

I'm Bob. Today my parents have a birthda...

I'm Bob. Today my parents have a birthday party for my sister and me. Lucy and I are now nine years old. My parents give us a birthday gift-a new house. The colors of the rooms are our favorite, the blue room is for me. The purple one is for my sister. Mother thinks our old house is too small for four people to live in.

My sister and I go to the new school. I am excited to meet new teachers and classmates. They are very friendly to me. At night it is so quiet. I miss my old friends very much. That makes me sad.

There is a chess club near my house. On weekends many kids play chess there. I go there to play with them. They teach me to play chess and I can learn English from them. How lucky it is to have new friends!


1.Lucy and Bob are classmates.

2.Bob has a purple room as his birthday gift.

3.Bob’s family move to a new house because they need a bigger house.

4.Bob makes some new friends in the new school, but he still misses his old friends.

5.On weekends, Bob plays chess with the kids in the chess club and teaches them English.


1.F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.F 【解析】本文讲述了鲍勃一家搬到一座新房子。他在新学校遇见新同学和老师,但是他仍然想念他的老朋友。在周末,他去象棋俱乐部和孩子们一起玩象棋。他们教他下象棋,还可以向他们学习英语。 1.F 根据I'm Bob. Today my parents have a birthday party for my sister and me. Lucy and I are now nine years old.可知鲍勃和露西是兄妹,故此处与原文不符,故为F。 2.F 根据My parents give us a birthday gift-a new house. The colors of the rooms are our favorite, the blue room is for me.可知鲍勃得到的生日礼物是一个蓝色的房间,故事紫色的,故此处与原文不符,故为F。 3.T 根据My parents give us a birthday gift-a new house.和Mother thinks our old house is too small for four people to live in.可知鲍勃的家人搬到一座新房子,因为他们需要一座更大的房子。故此处与原文一致,故为T。 4.T 根据They are very friendly to me. At night it is so quiet. I miss my old friends very much. 可知鲍勃在新学校交了一些新朋友,但是他仍然想要老朋友,故此处与原文一致,故为T。 5.F 根据There is a chess club near my house.On weekends many kids play chess there. I go there to play with them. They teach me to play chess and I can learn English from them.可知在周末,鲍勃和孩子们在象棋俱乐部下象棋,他们教鲍勃学习英语,故此处与原文不符,故为F。 点睛:认真阅读题干,根据题干内容,在文中寻找相应的语句或段落,进行分析比较,概括归纳,判断出正确与错误。例如小题2,根据My parents give us a birthday gift-a new house. The colors of the rooms are our favorite, the blue room is for me.可知鲍勃得到的生日礼物是一个蓝色的房间,故事紫色的,故此处与原文不符,故为F。

Do you like the story of the little prince? A new movie about the book was on.

A little girl lives with her strict mom. The little girl's neighbor is an interesting old pilot. He has an old plane. He tells the little girl about his story.

His plane doesn’t work and lands in the desert. There he meets the little prince. The little prince lives on a small planet(星球) with a beautiful rose. He loves the rose very much, but the rose tells a lie to him. The little prince is sad and leaves the planet. He visits other planets and meets many people. But these people are not friendly to him. At last the little prince arrives on the earth.

The little girl is very interested in the story. She wants to fly the old pilot’s plane to meet the little prince. Now she begins her trip

If you are interested in the movie, come to the cinema. You will have lots of fun watching it.


1.What does the girl’s neighbor do?

A. A doctor.    B. An actor.    C. A pilot.    D. A scientist.

2.What’s the meaning of the underlined word “ lands” in Paragraph 3?

A. 盘旋    B. 着陆    C. 起飞    D. 滑行

3.Why does the little prince leave his planet?

A. Because the weather is bad.

B. Because he wants to have a trip.

C. Because the rose lies to him.

D. Because he wants to look for the girl.

4.Where does the little prince arrive in the end?

A. On a small planet.    B. On the earth.

C. On the sun.    D. On the moon.

5.After listening to the story, what does the girl want to do?

A. She wants to look for the little prince.

B. She wants to help the old pilot to fix the plane.

C. She wants to fly to another planet.

D. She wants to grow many roses.



Trying to stay healthy seems to be a difficult thing for us. To have a healthy lifestyle, there is no ________way than to encourage(鼓励)the whole family to have a healthy lifestyle. When ________ do the same activity as us, we can encourage each other to keep going. If you get your family to be________ in doing exercise and eating healthily, you will be fit and _______more easily than you think.

When you go________, only buy healthy food. Buy vegetables and fruit rather than(而不是) junk food like chips. Try different kinds of food, and try ________ more at home.

Don't think of food _______some kinds of entertainment(娱乐). We _________ often meet our friends for lunch. In fact, there are many other_________ you can do with friends. How about meeting friends for a football game rather than meeting for lunch? You can still eat, _________ the activity doesn't have to focus on food. The food is less important than the fun activity.

Looking after your health should not be boring. Start now!

1.A. good    B. better    C. well    D. best

2.A. others    B. other    C. the others    D. the other

3.A. excited    B. bored    C. interested    D. tired

4.A. health    B. healthy    C. healthily    D. unhealthy

5.A. hiking    B. sightseeing    C. camping    D. shopping

6.A. eat    B. to eat    C. eats    D. ate

7.A. as    B. like    C. for    D. about

8.A. must    B. may    C. have to    D. should

9.A. sports    B. meetings    C. meals    D. activities

10.A. and    B. or    C. but    D. so



Alice: Hi, Frank! Are you free on Saturday?

Frank: Yes. 1.

Alice: I heard a baby panda was born in the zoo. Let’s go and have a look.

Frank: Oh, I have been there twice. I think you’d better learn something about pandas before you go to the zoo.

Alice: I know a little. 2. There are about 2,000 pandas living in the forests.

Frank: That’s true. They are in danger now.

Alice: Why? Is it because they don’t have babies very often?

Frank:3. Another main reason is that humans cut down lots of bamboo forests, and pandas don’t have enough food to eat.

Alice: That’s too bad !4.

Frank: We can make some posters to tell people to save pandas.

Alice: I will take some photos of the pandas first when I visit the zoo.

Frank:5. Have a good time!

Alice: Thank you.

A.Don’t forget to show me the photos when you come back.

B.A mother panda has only one baby every two years.

C.What can we do to help them?

D.This is one of the reasons.

E.Is it very cute?

F.I will have a quite relaxing day tomorrow.



Which do you like _____, coffee, tea or milk?

A. more    B. best    C. the better    D. better



There ________ a bus stop across from the street. You can take a bus to the cinema.

A. be    B. is    C. am    D. are



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