满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Should friends be different or the same?...

Should friends be different or the same? Different people have different ideas. The following is what four of my classmates say.

My name is Susan. I am outgoing. I like to have friends who are similar to me. Both my best friend Linda and I like traveling. We went to Italy with our families last summer vacation. We stayed there for two weeks. Next year we want to go to Paris.

My name is Mary. I like to have friends who are different from me. My best friend Betty is shorter and more outgoing than me. I am quiet and I like reading very much. Betty likes sports and she plays ping-pong well.

I’m Peter. I like to have friends who are like me. It can be very helpful. I’m a little quiet and my good friend Rick is quiet, too. Sometimes I don’t know what to do with my problems and he can tell me what I should do, because he knows about me better than people who are different from me.

I’m Bill. I have both kinds of friends. I think it is important. That makes my life more interesting.


1.How long did Susan stay in Italy?


2.What kind of sport is Betty good at?


3.Who is Peter’s good friend?


4.Why does Bill think it’s important to have both kinds of friends?


5.How many of the four think friends should be the same?



1.For two weeks. 2.Ping-pong. 3.Rick 4.Because that makes his life more interesting. 5.Two 【解析】短文讨论的是好朋友之间到底是应该相似还是互补,四个同学之间各有不同的见解。 1.根据第二段第六句“We stayed there for two weeks.”可知,Susan在在意大利待了两周。故答案为For two weeks. 2.根据第三段第五句话“Betty likes sports and she plays ping—pong very well.”可知Betty擅长乒乓球。故答案为Ping-pong. 3.根据第四段第四句“I'm a little quiet and my good friend Rick is quiet, too.”可知Peter的朋友是Rick. 4.根据最后一段最后一句“That makes my life more interesting.”可知Bill有这种想法的原因。故答案为Because that makes his life more interesting. 5.根据第二段第二句“I like to have friends who are similar to me.”和第四段第二句“I like to have friends who are like me.”可知Peter和Susan喜欢和自己性格相近的人交朋友。故答案为Two。

read   old   go   make   live

Kate and Sandy are sisters. They live in a big city. Kate is 1. than Sandy. She likes the city. She thinks the lights at night are beautiful. She enjoys 2., and she reads more books than Sandy. Sandy dislikes 3. in the city. She likes the countryside. She often 4. to the countryside on vacation. Sandy likes taking a walk in the countryside. She thinks it 5. her feel relaxed.



A:Hi, Wang Qiang! Do you have many friends?

B:Yes, I do.

A:What do you think a good friend should be like?

B: 1.

A:Who is your best friend?

B:Liu Ting. 2. We are in the same class.

A: 3.

B:We are different. 4. And I am more outgoing than her.

A:Does she like to do the same things as you?

B:Yes. 5.

A:I see. Thank you.

A.Are you the same or different?

B.She is good at singing, but I can’t sing.

C.We often do the same things together.

D.I think he should make me happy and help me.

E.She is a nice girl.



1.I’m a little thinner than his.

A  B   C

2.You can call Ma Min with 021-6654.

A   B  C

3.Julia, Linda and Rose are both my good friends.

A  B  C

4.Eric runs fast than his classmate Alex.

A  B.  C

5.I think Tom should finds a job.

A  B   C














Our School Rules

There are many rules in our school. School rules make us safe and happy.

From Monday 1. Friday, we have to get to school before 7:00 in the morning. We must wear our school2., and I think it is good for us because they can make us look smart. We must 3. to our teachers carefully in class and finish our homework on time. We can’t 4.mobile phones in class.

As a saying goes, “ Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards.” We must follow our school rules, 5.our school rules are sometimes quite strict.



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