满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

He is a ___________ student, and he alwa...

He is a ___________ student, and he always listens to the teachers ___________.

A. careful; careful     B. careful; carefully

C. carefully; carefully  D. carefully; careful


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:他是一个认真的学生,并且他总是认真听老师讲课。Carefully认真地,副词,用来修饰动词; careful认真的,形容词,做表语或修饰名词。第一个空修饰名词,第二个修饰动词听的方式,结合句意及结构,故选B。 考点:考查形容词和副词的用法。  

What for dinner? An Indian meal or a Chinese meal?

—It’s_      _____ you.

A. close to    B. up to    C. similar to



_______do you like the magic show?

—It’s fantastic.

A. Where    B. What    C. How    D. When



Yao Ming is one of______ basketball players in China.

A. the talentedest    B. talentedest

C. the most talented    D. most talented



play a role, for example, all kinds of, make up, be up to

1.The shops sell ___________________fruit like apples, bananas and so on.

2.The boy________________ in the movie and he did well.

3.It____________________you to decide when you’ll leave for Beijing.

4.The whole story____________. I can’t believe it at all.

5.Jack likes playing ball games._______________, he plays basketball and soccer every afternoon.




1.How lucky the __________( win) of the game show is! A five-day trip abroad for free!

2.Nothing is a waste if you have a _______________ ( create) mind.

3.He did _________________(badly) among the students in his class.

4.The seat is hard and __________( comfortable) to sit on, so I have a sore back.

5.The hottest season is summer, and the_______( cold) is winter in China.



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