满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

A :Hi, Fm doing a survey for the Bedford...

A :Hi, Fm doing a survey for the Bedford Daily News.1.the best clothes store in town?

B:I think Jasper’s is the2..


B:Jeans Comer and Trendy Teens are good stores, but Jasper’s has better clothes. It’s also 3. than the other stores.

A :What do you think of the4.stores?

B :Well, let me see. Dream Clothes is OK, 5. it’s expensive.

Don’t go to Funky Fashions. It has the 6.clothes in town.

A :OK. What7.the radio stations? What's the best radio station?

B :I guess Jammin's 107.9 FM is the best.

A :8.?

B :Because it has the9. interesting music. It’s 10.better than any other station in town.


1.What’s 2.best 3.cheaper 4.other 5.but 6.worst 7.about 8.Why 9.most 10.much 【解析】 1.句意:镇上最好的服装店是什么?根据答语可知本句是在询问镇上最好的服装店是哪家,只有一个空,用缩写形式what’s。 2.句意:我认为Jasper服装店最好。调查者提问的就是最好的一家店,那么Jasper’s就应该是最好的店。答案为best。 3.句意:也比其它的商店便宜。根据后文可知应答者在做比较时参考了两个因素,质量和价格。前面说过了Jasper’s质量优秀,接下来就应该是说价格便宜。答案为cheaper。 4.句意:你认为其它的商店呢?由后文提到别家服装店可知,此处是在询问其他店的情况。答案为other。 5.句意:梦想服装店不错,但是很贵。前句说到质量好,后句说价格贵,构成转折关系,用but连接。答案为but。 6.句意:那里的衣服是镇上最差的。由上句警告不要去Funky Fashions,原因就是衣服是质量最差。答案为worst。 7.句意:无线电台呢? What about...?“……怎么样?”,用于询问消息或征求意见,是对前面提过的问题的省略。答案为about。 8.句意:为什么?由下文回答原因可知此处是在询问原因。答案为Why。 9.句意:因为它播放最有趣的音乐。此处应用最高级,interesting的最高级是most interesting。 10.句意:它比市里其它任何电台都要好得多。much可以修饰比较级,表程度。

Now there are many1. (才艺)shows at the TV station ,and they are getting more and more2. (受欢迎的) in our lives. And the shows have something in3.(共同的). They try to look for the best singers, the talented dancers, the most exciting 4.(魔术师)and so on. All 5.(类型)of people can take part in the shows, including teachers, doctors, workers and farmers. That’s up to you to decide. And everyone can play a role in6. (决定)the winners by watching the show. The7.(获胜者)always get a very good8.(奖励).

But some lives of performers are made up. So when you9.(观看)the shows, you don’t have to take them10.(认真地).We only need to remember that the shows give people a way to make their dreams come true.




1.Tim is better than any other student in our school.(改为同义句)

Tim is____________ _____________student in our school.

2.The largest radio station in our city is near my house.(改为同义句)

The largest radio station in our city is__________ ________my house.

3.Town Cinema is the best cinema in town. (对画线部分提问)

__________is the best cinema in town?

4.The seats in this cinema are comfortable. (对画线部分提问)

_________ ____________the seats in this cinema?

5.1 think Screen City is the best movie theater in our town. (对画线部分提问)

_________ _________ _________ _________is the best movie theater in our town?





Mark is__________ ____________ _____________ boy in our class.


Monday is my mother's___________ __________ in a week.


Our school is becoming__________ __________ __________beautiful.


Usually parents also___________ ____________ ___________in your studies


His schoolbag is much________ _________than _________ .



—Yang Mi —____a role in the play yesterday and she acted best.

—Yes, she is wonderful and famous.

A. made    B. played    C. did    D. took



He is a ___________ student, and he always listens to the teachers ___________.

A. careful; careful     B. careful; carefully

C. carefully; carefully  D. carefully; careful



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