满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Of the three cinemas, you can buy movie ...

Of the three cinemas, you can buy movie tickets__________ at Town Cinema.

A. more quickly    B. most quickly

C. quicker    D. quickly


B 【解析】句意:这三家电影院中,在镇电影院你能买电影票最快。考查形容词副词比较级。A. more quickly更快地;B. most quickly最快地;C. quicker更快的;D. quickly快地。副词修饰动词,买票快,应用副词。Of the three cinemas,范围三者,三者或三者以上应用最高级;结合句意和语境可知选B。  

—Why do you think Sam did_______ than anyone else in the competition?

—Because he sang most loudly and__________.

A. worse ; carefully    B. better; clearly

C. worse; quietly    D. best; carefully



I’m too stressed out these days. Could you give me some advice?

______. Tell me all about it and I’ll do what I can.

A. Never mind  B. No way

C. No problem  D. Forget it



         your brother_______ talk shows?

—He can’t stand them.

A. What do; think of

B. How does; like

C. What does; like

D. How does; think of



—What do you think of the movie Zootopia (《疯狂动物城》)?

—It’s one of________ that I have seen.

A. the most exciting movie

B. the exciting movies

C. most exciting movies

D. the most exciting movies



A :Hi, Fm doing a survey for the Bedford Daily News.1.the best clothes store in town?

B:I think Jasper’s is the2..


B:Jeans Comer and Trendy Teens are good stores, but Jasper’s has better clothes. It’s also 3. than the other stores.

A :What do you think of the4.stores?

B :Well, let me see. Dream Clothes is OK, 5. it’s expensive.

Don’t go to Funky Fashions. It has the 6.clothes in town.

A :OK. What7.the radio stations? What's the best radio station?

B :I guess Jammin's 107.9 FM is the best.

A :8.?

B :Because it has the9. interesting music. It’s 10.better than any other station in town.



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