满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Jane’s birthday is in winter,but she was...

Jane’s birthday is in winter,but she was born in summer. Why? Because________.

A. she was born in Australia and lives in London

B. she was born in the west and lives in the east

C. She is always moving

D. she was born in China and lives in the US


A 【解析】句意:简的生日在冬天,但是她出生在夏天,为什么?A. she was born in Australia and lives in London她出生在澳大利亚,生活在伦敦。B. she was born in the west and lives in the east.她出生在西部,生活在东部。C. She is always moving.它总是在移动。D. she was born in China and lives in the US.她出生在中国,生活在美国。这是南北半球季节相反的原因。澳大利亚在南半球,伦敦在北半球,当澳大利亚是夏季的时候,伦敦正是冬季,故答案为A。  

Two mothers and two daughters had lunch at a restaurant. They each spent 70 yuan, but they paid only 210 yuan in all. Why?

A. Because there is only one mother and one daughter.

B. Because there is one grandmother,one mother and one daughter.

C. Because there are two mothers and one husband.

D. Because there are three mothers and one daughter.



许多同学都有自己的电子邮箱,如168@sina.com, pgbook@ 163.com, hifriend998 @ 126.com 等。请问其中的@表示什么意思,该怎么读?

A. @的意思是电脑,读作“a外一个圈”。

B. @的意思是邮箱,读作圈内一个a”。

C. @的意思是,读音与介词for相同。

D. @的意思是,读音与介词at相同。




A. Washing Room    B. Washing Case

C. Water Closet    D. Water Caster



现在上网査资料是一件很普通的事,大家比较熟悉的网站如 www.sina. com,www. 163. com, www. google, com 等。其中,“.com”表示的是_____。

A. 商业网站    B. 教育网站

C. 政府网站    D. 娱乐网站



—He is the only one who failed in the math exam.

—Really? You mean he studies__________.

A. the most careful    B. the least careful

C. the most carefully    D. the least carefully



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