满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

John is my _____friend of all the classm...

John is my _____friend of all the classmates.

A. good       B. better       C. best      D. the best


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:约翰是我所有的同学中最好的朋友。句中有明确的范围of all the classmates表示所有的同学中,句中有形容词性物主代词时最高级前面不加the,故选C 考点:考查形容词的最高级




B:Town Cinema.

A:Why do you think it's the best?


A:What about clothes stores?4.

B:Mr. Cooper's Clothes Store.


B:Center Hotel.It also has the biggest rooms.

A:Thanks for the information.

ABecause it has the best service.

BCan I ask you something about your town?

CWhich has the most beautiful clothes?

DBecause it's the most expensive.

EWhat is the best cinema in your town?

FIs Town Cinema close to your home?

GWhich hotel is the cleanest?




1.more, me, can, give, you, information


2.shows, should, seriously, people, talent, take


3.father, I, nothing, have, common, with, in, my


4.kids, Allen, interesting, for, made, an, up, story, the


5.basketball, teacher, an, game, role, my, played, important, the, in





1.The ____________ (win) got a computer as a prize

2.He bought two ____________ (ticket) to the concert.

3.Tina and her sister are both ____________ (talent) in music.

4.Of the three post offices, this one is the ____________ (close) to my house.

5.The tall girl ____________ (act) the role of Juliet in that movie.




1.The bus takes you there ___________ (便宜地).

2.Mr. Liu is handsome and ___________ (有创造力的).

3.The food in this hotel is good, but the ___________ (服务) is poor

4.All of the ___________ (表演者) in the talent show were excellent

5.Mrs. Huang ___________ () me her family photo just now.



“You,re my best friend.” It’s the nicest thing you can say to someone.1. . Good friendships (友谊)begin in middle school. It’s the place you begin to develop (培养)your own (自己的)personality (个性)2. , you work with them and3.. But not all of them will become your best friends. Best friends are the people who like you and understand(了解)you the most. They are easy to work and have fun with,

4.Sometimes you can feel a little lonely (孤独),because you don’t have a best friend now. 5. .

Best friends seem to find each other as if by magic (魔力). And when you find your best friend, the magic will last ( 续)forever(永远)

A.And it's also the nicest thing you can hear from someone

B.That doesn’t mean (意味)you won’t have one in the future (将来)

C.But sometimes it’s not easy to find a best friend

D.You talk with them

E.you make friends with them



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