满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

1.My ______ ______ (飞机模型) are on the ta...


1.My ______ ______ (飞机模型) are on the table.

2.Is it your ______ (时钟)?

3.Where are o______ English books?

4.The tape p______ is on the teacher’s desk.

5.His pictures are e______, on his bed, on the sofa and under the table.


1.model planes 2.clock 3.our 4.player 5.everywhere 【解析】 1.句意:我的飞机模型在桌子上。根据are判断,此处要填写名词的复数形式,故答案为 (1). model (2). planes 2.句意:它是你的钟表吗?it代指名词的单数形式,故答案为clock。 3.句意:我们的英语书在哪里?根据句意以及首字母提示可知,答案为our。 4.句意:录音机在教师桌上。根据is判断,主语为名词的单数形式,tape player磁带播放机,故答案为player。 5.句意:他的照片到处都是,在他的床上,在沙发上,在桌子底下。根据on his bed, on the sofa and under the table.判断,此处缺少一个地点副词,故答案为everywhere。

fly, good, live, hear, see, climb, bad, real, loud, jump, but, I

A dog was relaxing in a park. Then he saw a cat on the top of a high wall (). He thought, “It must be so nice to be high on the wall. But I can’t 1..” The dog felt so bad.

Then he2. a fish in the river. He thought, “It must be so nice to live in the water. But I can’t swim.” The dog felt 3. this time.

Just then he4. the fish say, “It looks so nice and warm on the grass. I 5. want to lie down (躺下) on it.”

Hearing the words, the dog felt surprised (惊讶的). He thought, “The fish 6. a great life, but she still feels bad.”

After some time, a bird 7. past. She saw the dog playing in the park. She said  8., “I really want to play the whole day like this dog. 9. I have to look for food for my kids and  10. every day.”

The dog heard the bird’s words. He knew it was important to enjoy his own (自己的) life.



“He is the tallest boy in his class.”means“______”.

A. He is taller than all the other boys in his class    B. He is taller than all the girls in his class

C. He is the tallest in his class    D. He is as tall as others in his class



The Yellow River isn’t so ______ as the Changjiang River.

A. long    B. longest    C. longer    D. the longest



E-mail is much _____ than long-distance calling.

A. cheap      B. cheaper       C. cheapest       D. the cheapest



Jack has three friends. Mike is the ______ of the four.

A. most cleverest    B. more clever    C. cleverest    D. clever



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