满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

When I was 14, I left school with learni...

When I was 14, I left school with learning disabilities and decided to surf the biggest waves in the world, first in California and then in Hawaii. One morning, I met an old man, a bum, on the street corner. He asked me if I was running away from home. I told him, “Not exactly, sir, because my father had given me a ride to the train station and said, “ It is important to follow your dream, son.”

After talking for a while, he told me that he had something to show me and share with me. We walked several blocks until we reached a public library.

The bum asked me to sit down and wait for a moment. Later he returned with some old books and sat beside me. Then he said, “There are two things that I want to teach you, young man. Number one is to never judge a book by its cover, for a cover can fool you. I’ll bet you think I’m a bum, don’t you?” I said, “I guess so, sir.”

“Well, young man, I've got a little surprise for you. I am one of the richest men in the world. But a year ago, when my wife passed away, I realized there were certain things I had not yet experienced in life, one of which was what it would be like to live like a bum on the streets. For the past year I have been going from city to city doing just that. Number two is to learn how to read, for there is only one thing that people can’t take away from you, and that is your wisdom(智慧). ”At that moment, he gave me the books he’d pulled from the shelves.

The bum took me back to the street where we first met. He asked me never to forget what he taught me when we left each other.

1.The boy________________ when he was 14.

A. liked running    B. left school

C. did well in study    D. traveled around the world

2.The underlined word “bum” means a person who is __________.

A. homeless and poor    B. rich and generous

C. kind and wise    D. unlucky and mean

3.Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A. Wisdom is one thing that people can’t take away from you.

B. The bum asked the writer to read some old books in the library.

C. The bum’s hope was to have different kinds of experiences in life.

D. The writer’s father supported his choice of following his dream.

4.The best title of this passage probably is __________.

A. Follow Your Dream    B. an Important Lesson

C. Never Judge a Book by Its Cover    D. Wisdom is Important


1.B 2.A 3.B 4.B 【解析】作者讲述了14岁时,我因为学习障碍离开学校,决定去冲世界上最大的波浪,首先在加利福尼亚,然后在夏威夷。作家的父亲支持他追随自己的梦想。一天早上,我在街角遇见了一个老人,一个流浪汉。他们聊了一会,走了几个街区,直到到达一个公共图书馆。流浪汉让作者坐下来等一会儿。后来他带着旧书回来,坐在作者旁边。他想告诉作者两件事。第一是永远不要从封面来判断一本书,因为封面会蒙骗你。他是世界上最富有的人之一。但是一年前,当他妻子去世的时候,他意识到他在生活中还没有经历过一些事情,其中之一就是在街上过着流浪的生活。二是要学会如何读书,因为只有一件东西是别人无法从你身上拿走的,那就是你的智慧。最后流浪汉把作者带回了他们初次见面的街道。他让作者永远不要忘记他们离开时他教给作者的东西。 1.题意:当他14岁时,这个男孩_____________。考查细节理解。A. liked running喜欢跑步; B. left school离开学校;C. did well in study学习很好;D. traveled around the world周游世界。根据文中第一段第一句When I was 14, I left school with learning disabilities and decided to surf the biggest waves in the world, first in California and then in Hawaii.(当我14岁的时候,我因为学习障碍离开学校,决定去冲世界上最大的波浪,首先在加利福尼亚,然后在夏威夷。)结合题意和选项可知选B。 2.题意:下划线的单词“bum”是指__________________人。考查词义猜测题。A. homeless and poor无家可归和贫困;B. rich and generous有钱又慷慨;C. kind and wise善良和聪明;D. unlucky and mean倒霉的和吝啬的。One morning, I met an old man, a bum, on the street corner.(一天早上,我在街角遇见了一个老人,一个流浪汉。)根据句意和语境可知bum是流浪汉;故选A。 3.题意:根据这段话,下列哪个陈述是错误的?考查理解判断题。A. Wisdom is one thing that people can’t take away from you. 智慧是人们无法从你身上拿走的东西。根据第二段倒数第二句Number two is to learn how to read, for there is only one thing that people can’t take away from you, and that is your wisdom(智慧).(二是要学会如何读书,因为只有一件东西是别人无法从你身上拿走的,那就是你的智慧。)可知A是正确的;B. The bum asked the writer to read some old books in the library. 流浪汉请作家在图书馆里读一些旧书。文中没有提到这件事,只有在第二段第一句说The bum asked me to sit down and wait for a moment.(流浪汉让我坐下来等一会儿。)可知是错误的;C. The bum’s hope was to have different kinds of experiences in life. 流浪汉的希望是生活中有不同的经历。根据第二段倒数第六行But a year ago, when my wife passed away, I realized there were certain things I had not yet experienced in life, one of which was what it would be like to live like a bum on the streets.(但是一年前,当我妻子去世的时候,我意识到我在生活中还没有经历过一些事情,其中之一就是在街上过着流浪的生活。)可知C正确;D. The writer’s father supported his choice of following his dream. 这位作家的父亲支持他追随自己的梦想。根据第一段第三行because my father had given me a ride to the train station and said, “ It is important to follow your dream, son.(因为我父亲开车送我去火车站,说:“儿子,追随你的梦想是很重要的。”)可知D正确。根据题意可知C。 4.题意:这篇文章最好的标题可能是__________________。考查主旨理解题。A. Follow Your Dream追随你的梦想;B. an Important Lesson一堂重要的课;C. Never Judge a Book by Its Cover不要以貌取人/不要凭封面判断一本书。;D. Wisdom is Important智慧是重要的。 本文主要内容是作者在追逐自己的梦想时,遇到一个流浪汉,流浪汉给了他两点教训,一是不要以貌取人,二是学会读书,因为智慧是人们无法从你身上拿走的东西。根据主要内容结合语境和最后一句He asked me never to forget what he taught me when we left each other.可知选B。



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1.Jack wants to buy a flight ticket, he should search ____________.

A. Qunar.com    B. JD.com    C. Google.com    D. Meituan.com

2.Coco wants to buy a computer, but she doesn’t want to buy something fake. She should search ____.

A. Qunar.com    B. JD.com    C. Google.com    D. Meituan.com

3.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. When you buy tickets from Qunar.com, you have to pay added fees.

B. The things on JD.com are cheaper than other websites.

C. You can buy anything you want on Google.com.

D. Meituan.com offers products and services at reduced prices.



Amy didn't know what was wrong with Grandma. She used to have a good memory, but she always __________things recently. Amy felt upset. Mom told Amy that Grandma was just getting old and she needed more __________.

After knowing Grandma had Alzheimer’s disease(老年痴呆症). Amy’s parents decided to put her in a nursing home(疗养院)to get the__________care she needed. But Amy didn’t like the idea at all. “We can often go to see her on__________. We can take her a present.” Mom said, “__________ice cream? Grandma loves strawberry ice cream!” Amy smiled.

On a Saturday morning they visited Grandma there for the first time. Grandma sat by _________ in a corner of the room. “Look,” Amy said to Grandma. “We brought you a__________ —your favorite strawberry ice cream!”

Grandma began to eat __________saying a word. Amy wanted to cry. The next time they visited Grandma, the same thing__________.“Grandma, do you know who I am?” Amy asked. “You’re the girl who brings me ice cream,” Grandma said, “Yes,__________I’m Amy, too, your granddaughter. Don’t you remember me?” she asked _______. “Remember. Sure, I remember. You’re the girl who brings me ice cream.” Suddenly Amy_________that Grandma would never remember her. Grandma was living in her own lonely__________.

“Oh, how I love you, Grandma!” Amy said. Just then she found there were tears(眼泪)in Grandma’s eyes.

“Love,” Grandma said, “I remember love.”

“You see, dear, that’s__________ she wants,” Mom said to Amy. “Love.”

“I’ll bring her ice cream every weekend even if she doesn’t remember me,” Amy said.

After all, that was more__________— to remember love rather than someone’s name.

1.A. forgot    B. borrowed    C. remembered    D. made

2.A. trouble    B. love    C. competition    D. education

3.A. proper    B. bad    C. cheap    D. careless

4.A. holidays    B. weekdays    C. birthdays    D. weekends

5.A. In    B. To    C. Like    D. Of

6.A. myself    B. herself    C. themselves    D. ourselves

7.A. toy    B. card    C. present    D. flower

8.A. through    B. without    C. from    D. across

9.A. went by    B. ended up    C. ran away    D. took place

10.A. but    B. so    C. for    D. or

11.A. happily    B. silently    C. sadly    D. proudly

12.A. realized    B. argued    C. discussed    D. explained

13.A. city    B. world    C. country    D. town

14.A. none    B. other    C. all    D. another

15.A. impossible    B. terrible    C. dangerous    D. important




1.There are only___________ ___________(几个) apples on the tree.

2.___________ ___________(谢谢) your bike.

3.America is ___________ ___________ ___________(…….遥远)China.

4.It ____________ ___________(花我)2 hours to finish my work every day.

5.___________ ___________ (多少)students go to school on foot?




1.Can you sing some of Jay Chou’s___________ //?

2.Our school hall is big and ____________ / /.

3.Look at the ____________ / / man. He is my uncle.

4.Do you often fly ____________ / in spring(春天)?

5.___________ / / down the new students’names.



1.A.book     B.look    C.foot    D.food

2.A.cake     B.black    C.kite    D.nice

3.A.no       B.know    C.nice    D.long

4.A.cap      B.happy    C.pig     D.phone

5.A.hello     B.home    C.where   D.who








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