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The world's forests become smaller and s...

The world's forests become smaller and smaller.People are still cutting down the trees.Why is this happening?There are two reasons-land and wood.

People need land for animals and crops.And people want wood.Japan,Europe and North America need wood.There,it is used for buildings or it is made into furniture (家具).

But most places from the forests are not good for animals or crops.The soil(土壤) in the forests is very thin.When trees are cut down,the soil is washed away by the rain or blown away by the wind.Soon there is nothing but sand.Then more land will be needed and more trees will be cut down.

Who can we blame(责备) for the lost forests?The answer is all of us.There are too many people in the world.Look around.Maybe you are listening to the loudspeaker or sitting on a chair.They are made of wood.

1.What has happened to the world's forests now?

A. There is no forest in the world.

B. People cut down all the trees.

C. They become smaller and smaller.

D. People have grown a lot of trees.

2.Land is used for ________.

A. animals    B. planting trees

C. roads    D. buildings

3.Most places from the forests are not good for animals or crops because ________.

A. the wind is too strong

B. no trees are grown there

C. there is no sand

D. the soil is very thin

4.What is left when the soil is washed away by the rain or blown away by the wind?

A. Nothing.    B. Sand.

C. Trees.    D. Water.

5.It is ________ who should be blamed for the lost forests.

A. forests    B. wind

C. rain    D. all the people


1.C 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.D 【解析】短文大意:世界上的森林越来越小,人们还在砍伐树木。本文简述了森林面积在缩小的原因,最终的责任归结于所有的人。 1.C细节理解。根据短文第一句The world's forests become smaller and smaller.可知,世界上的森林越来越小。故选:C。 2.A细节理解。根据短文第二段第一句People need land for animals and crops可知,土地被用来饲养动物和种庄稼。故选:A。 3.D细节理解。根据第三段前两句But most places from the forests are not good for animals or crops.The soil(土壤) in the forests is very thin.可知,大多数来自森林的土地对动物或农作物没有益处,森林的土壤很薄。故选:D。 4.B细节理解。根据第三段第四句Soon there is nothing but sand.可知,当土被雨冲走、被风吹走,只剩下沙子。故选:B。 5.D细节理解。根据最后一段倒数第三行The answer is all of us.可知,所有的人都应该为失去的森林负责。故选:D。

Switzerland(瑞士) is one of the most developed countries in Europe.It is famous as one of the cleanest countries in the world.

The Swiss(瑞士人) think that recycling is important.The government has made laws(法律) which require everyone to recycle.In 1998,the Swiss government passed a law which says that people can not throw away any electronic machines.Instead,people are told to bring old ones,such as televisions,computers and fridges,to special centers when they don't need them.Many parts of the old machines are reused,and only the parts that can't be used are thrown away.

The government also charges(收费) a rubbish bag tax().If people want their rubbish to be collected,they must buy yellow stickers(张贴物) and put them on their rubbish bags.In 2003,47% of all rubbish in the cities was recycled.This included 70% of paper,95% of glass,71% of plastic bottles and 85%—90% of cans.Until recently,people can get a small amount of money when they recycle their bottles.Recycling has become a daily habit for the Swiss.

Everyone should learn from the Swiss,and our country will be clean like Switzerland.

1.According to the passage,Switzerland is famous for ________.

A. its food    B. its watches

C. its environment    D. its laws

2.How much rubbish in the cities was recycled in 2003?

A. About 70%.    B. 95%.

C. 47%.    D. 85%—90%.

3.What can people do according to the law?

A. Bring old computers to special centers.

B. Reuse the parts of the old machines that can't be used.

C. Throw away electronic machines.

D. Both A and C.

4.How can people in Switzerland get a small amount of money?

A. By putting yellow stickers on their rubbish bags.

B. By putting  their bottles.

C. By putting  old electronic machines to special centers.

D. By putting  a good eating habit.

5.The best title of the article is “________”.

A. One of the Cleanest Countries in the World

B. The Swiss Government

C. Recycling in Switzerland

D. Learning from the Swiss



Have you seen some machines that eat used plastic bottles and give some coins to the users(用户) ?

Recently , such machines have appeared at universities in Chongqing . They can turn rubbish into treasure and encourage the public to recycle rubbish. The machine is as large as a fridge. Users put an empty bottle in the machine, It is identified(识别) by a  small camera. Then it is put into a built-in bin. The users can get some coins. They can also give away the money.

When the machine is filled with bottles . it will tell the company’s(公司) head office. Nearby stations will send workers to have bottles collected . packed and send to the company.

The bottle recycling machines could greatly encourage the public to recycle rubbish and save natural resources(资源) .Now the machine only eats plastic bottles. At sometime in the future it will also cover others. Such as glass bottles .to turn more rubbish into treasure and make full use of the natural resources

People can also see similar machines in Shanghai. In the future, more such machines will appear at some large stations. Bus stops, neighborhoods and schools.


1.The bottle recycling machine eats plastic bottles and give some money to the users(用户) ?

2.When the machine is  full , some workers will be sent to collect the bottles .

3.So  far , the bottle recycling machine has been able to accept glass bottles .

4.There is no bottle recycling machine in Shanghai now.

5.The passage encourages the public to protect the environment by using the bottle recycling machines



The giant panda is one of the most popular animals in the world.A giant panda can grow up to 1.5 meters long and ______ up to 160 kg.People think the giant panda is very lovely.So it is not surprising that the World Wide Fund for Nature ______ the giant panda as its symbol.The WWF tells people about animals that they are in danger and raises money ______ them.

The giant panda only lives in the wild in China.______ the early 1980s,there ______ only 1,000 left in the wild.The main reason why pandas are endangered is that the area where pandas can live has become smaller.

The WWF works to help giant pandas in the wild in many ways.One of the ways that help them is to increase the size of______ reserves(保护区).Some reserves need to be joined by ______ bamboo between them to make “hallways”.These are paths that lead pandas from one reserve to ______.No one may harm the pandas in these areas.The “hallways” let pandas ______ from one reserve to another to look for food.People ______ very hard to make sure the giant panda does not die out.

1.A. put    B. weigh    C. lift    D. promote

2.A. choosed    B. chose    C. chosen    D. choose

3.A. to save    B. saving    C. saved    D. for save

4.A. For    B. At    C. On    D. In

5.A. are    B. were    C. is    D. had

6.A. panda    B. trees    C. animals    D. lion

7.A. plant    B. planted    C. planting    D. plants

8.A. other    B. the other    C. another    D. any

9.A. moves    B. moving    C. moved    D. move

10.A. works    B. are working    C. worked    D. working



—What about going to climb Mount Qomolangma?

—________! I love adventure.

A. Good luck    B. I'm not sure

C. Nice idea    D. Congratulations



You have to stay at home if your homework________ before five o'clock.

A. isn't finished    B. will finish

C. finished    D. wasn't finished



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