满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—I hear________ singing competition was ...

—I hear________ singing competition was a big success.

—So it was.

A. a    B. an    C. the    D. /


C 【解析】句意:——我听说歌唱比赛是一个大的成功。——它确实如此。这里是特指用定冠词the。根据题意,故选C。 点睛:a用在首字母以辅音音素开头,例如:a man一个男人 a university一所大学;an用在首字母以元音音素开头,或以不发音的h字母开头的单词前面:例如:an apple一个苹果 an island一个岛。  

由于树木被大量砍伐,植被面积逐年减少,空气受到严重污染,臭氧层遭到严重破坏……人们已察觉到气温逐年升高,2016年夏天,印度的高温导致1700余人死亡,对此现象,你有何看法?请以“How to protect ________?”为题,写一篇80—100词的短文,谈谈你的想法。





How to protect our environment?





When you see people throw tons of rubbish away each year,are you worried about our world? I believe you are.Terrible things happen every day.If the rivers are1.,farmers can't use the water for their crops.Pollution from factories may even2. people in some places.Pollution has become one of our greatest enemies.

So is the world really3.? I don't think so.If we can take steps to4. pollution from now on,the beautiful world will come back.We can divide our waste into plastic,glass,paper and rubber because it's good for recycling.When5.,we should take a shopping basket with us instead of asking for plastic bags.Try not to throw6. bottles if they can be reused.Use china cups and cloth bags7.of plastic things if it is possible.People should use8. oil or choose to walk to work.And the government needs to make policies to reduce pollution from factories.Remember:always use less,use again and recycle everything9.can be recycled.

We can't hope for rapid change,but if we10.the good habits,we are sure to save the world for our grandsons and granddaughters tomorrow.



Kate:You're late today! I have waited here for twenty minutes.

Paul:I'm really sorry.1.

Kate:Why didn't you drive your car? It's faster than taking a bus.


Kate:Really?But why?

Paul:Because I think it's our duty to care for our environment.

Kate:You have changed a lot.3.

Paul:I joined a volunteer club-Green Helper.The environmental problem is becoming more and more serious.It is time to take action to protect the environment,such as taking short shower,recycling books and paper,4.

Kate:Well.They are easy and useful.But it's not convenient to go to work without driving a car.


Kate:Good idea.You're living a low-carbon(低碳) life and it's also a good way to exercise.

A.What made you do that?

B.I had to wait for a bus for a long time.

C.What's wrong with your car?

D.I am going to buy a bike and then ride to work.

E.I won't drive unless it is necessary.

F.turning off the lights before leaving.





It's ___  ___  ____ without doing.


Kate _____the cake _____five pieces.


We should try to _____the desert_____green land.


We throw away_____ _____rubbish every year.


We produce waste every day and it ___ ___ ___ ___our environment.




1.Tom can skate even _____(good) than me.

2.Some people think it is _____(polite) to ask someone's age.

3.I regret to tell you that you didn't pass the exam because of your _____(care).

4.We watched until the train _____(appear) from our view.

5._____ (luck),John got back the notebook that he had lost at the cafe.



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