满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

I was shy at first.I did not like people...

I was shy at first.I did not like people ______ me when I was taking pictures.I would even hide my camera ______ I wouldn't attract attention to myself.It didn't take long before I found I really liked taking pictures.______ I would go to places that people would not be looking at me.I would lie on the ground,or point the ______ at unusual angles(角度).I liked  pictures I got.As I let others look at ______ pictures,I found the unusual ones were the ones people liked most and talked about the most.Now I am not ______ to do whatever it takes to get an “unusual” picture.

One day I was at a car show and I lay______ on the ground and looked down the side of a car.As I got up,an old ______ was looking at me and said,“That's a different type of picture.” I ______ him the picture on my camera.He looked at me and said,“Wow,that's nice!” As I walked away,I looked back and he was down taking the same picture.

I ______.I had just helped that man look at the world a little differently…

1.A. helping    B. looking after    C. finding    D. looking at

2.A. but    B. so that    C. if    D. even though

3.A. Above all    B. As a result    C. At first    D. First of all

4.A. camera    B. ruler    C. phone    D. hand

5.A. your    B. my    C. his    D. their

6.A. proud    B. excited    C. surprised    D. afraid

7.A. down    B. about    C. over    D. up

8.A. woman    B. girl    C. man    D. boy

9.A. brought    B. showed    C. sent    D. bought

10.A. agreed    B. fell    C. appeared    D. smiled


1.D 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.D 【解析】这篇短文主要讲述了作者是一个害羞的人,起初照相的时候怕引起别人的注意,现在作者不在害怕了。 1.句意:刚开始,我很害羞,我不喜欢人们看我,当我照相的时候。A. helping帮助;B. looking after照顾;C. finding找到;D. looking at看;这里是说看着我,用look at,根据题意,故选D。 2.句意:我甚至会躲藏我的相机,为了我不会吸引别人的注意。A. but但是;B. so that为了;C. if如果;D. even though及时,纵然。这里表示目的,用so that来引导。根据题意,故选B。 3.句意:起初,我会去我会去那些人们不会看我的地方。A. Above all以上所有;B. As a result结果;C. At first起初;D. First of all首先。这里是说刚开始的时候,根据题意,故选C。 4.句意:我会躺在地板上,或者用不同寻常的角度对准相机。A. camera相机;B. ruler尺子;C. phone电话;D. hand手。这里说说对准相机。根据题意,故选A。 5.句意:当我让别人看我的照片的时候。A. your你的;B. my我的;C. his他的;D. their他们的。这里是说我的照片,用形容词性的物主代词my。根据题意,故选B。 6.句意:现在我不怕做任何事情来获得一张“不寻常”的照片。A. proud骄傲;B. excited激动的;C. surprised吃惊的;D. afraid害怕的。这里 是 说作者不再害怕了。根据题意,故选D。 7..句意:我躺在地上,从车的侧面往下看。A. down向下;B. about大约;C. over在……上;D. up向上。这里是说躺在地上。根据题意,故选A。 8.句意:当我起来的时候,一位老人正看着我。A. woman妇女;B. girl女孩;C. man男人;D. boy男孩。这里是说一位老人,根据题意,故选C。 9.句意:我出示给他一张我相机的照片。 A. brought买;B. showed出示;C. sent发送;D. bought买。短语show sb. sth.表示出示给某人某物。根据题意,故选B。 10.句意:我笑了。A. agreed同意;B. fell落下;C. appeared出现;D. smiled微笑。根据题意,故选D。 点睛:完形填空设空以实词为主、虚词为辅,单词为主、短语为辅。动词、名词、形容词、副词、代词等实词通常要占全部小题数的80%以上。而介词、连词、冠词等虚词则相对考得较少。 一、完形填空解题步骤 通览------试填-----复核 1 通览----速度全文,把握大意 快速阅读一下全文,通过通览全文、领会大意,概略地了解文章的体裁、背景、内容、结构层次、情节、写作风格等等。 2 试填----紧扣文意,瞻前顾后 先易后难,逐层深入。紧扣全文内容,联系上下文和语境,展开逻辑推理,注意从上下文中寻找线索,注意词汇的意义、搭配,惯用法,语法,常识等多个角度进行综合考虑。 3 复核----全面检查,确保语意连贯,用词准确 试填后,要把全文再通读一遍 ,注意看所选答案填入空白处后能否做到文章意思通顺、前后连贯、逻辑严谨、结构完整、首尾呼应。 二、解题技巧 1. 充分利用文章的上下文和前后句,找到对选择有提示作用的词或句。(同义词或反义词) 2. 注意固定搭配 3. 注意同义词的辨义 4.根据上下文的逻辑关系确定选项 5. 根据生活常识以及相关知识确定选项 6. 利用语法

—Are you nervous?

—________ I've never made a speech in front of so many people.

A. Congratulations!

B. You bet!

C. It doesn't matter.

D. You're in with a chance!



Mrs Brown said,“This is a wonderful book review.Who would like to________?”

A. read it out    B. read out it

C. try it out    D. try out it



Dad's old computer was________ expensive ________ repair,so he bought a new one.

A. too;to    B. such;that

C. enough;that    D. so;that



I don't like eating vegetables________I know they are good for my health.

A. since    B. even though

C. because    D. as soon as



—________ have you entered the piano competition?


A. How long    B. How soon

C. How often    D. How many times



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