满分5 > 初中英语试题 >



1.Leaders and officials from foreign countries have expressed ________on China's successful launch (发射) of its first manned spacecraft.

2.Let's enjoy the beautiful voice of the ________!

3.Our school________the prizes to the top students yesterday.

4.She didn't know how to express her________

5.By using your time________,you can do your homework more quickly.


1.congratulations 2.singer 3.presented 4.feelings 5.properly 【解析】 1.句意:来自外国领导人和官员都表示对祝贺中国成功发射(发射)首次载人飞船。congratulations 的意思是“祝贺”根据句意及所给单词提示,故填 congratulations。 2.句意:然后我们享受歌唱家的美妙声音。singer 的意思是“歌唱家”,根据句意及所给单词提示,故填 singer。 3.句意:我们学校昨天向尖子生颁奖。根据时间状语,这里用一般过去时态,根据句意及所给单词提示,故填presented。 4.句意:他不知道怎样表达她的感情。feelings的意思是“感情”根据句意及所给单词提示,故填feelings。 5.句意:通过合理地使用你的时间,你可以做你的作业更快。这里是副词修饰动词。Properly的意思是“合适地”,根据句意及所给单词提示,故填properly。 点睛:1. 掌握词汇、语法、阅读等基础知识,并具有较强的语言综合运用能力。 2. 具备一定的词汇运用能力。 所以该题的干扰项往往会以同义词、近义词、反义词或形近异义词的形式出现。固定搭配以动词、形容词、副词、介词构成的居多,在选词填空中,主要以副词和介词为考点。这要求考生在平时的英语学习中,掌握主要的固定搭配和习惯用法,重视对结构和语法的掌握。 3. 具备语境逻辑判断能力。 选词填空的一个主要方面是考查学生对某一段落或者某几个句子之间的逻辑关系的判断和把握,尤其是对句与句之间的逻辑关系的理解。这要求考生熟记表示列举、原因、结果、让步、递进、转折、对照、补充、时间、目的、条件等不同逻辑关系的连接词。


1.The ________(获胜者) of the match are from different countries.

2.He thought of a plan of ________(整体的) interest.Everyone was happy.

3.You can find all kinds of________(女衬衣) in the store.They are beautiful.

4.The training is up to the ________(标准).It's enough.

5.The people ________() to the train after the bell rang.



The “59 smiles” on a smartphone by an old woman in Wuhan,Hubei province in about six months tell a big story.The smiles are from the 59 people who offered her seats on buses.“Everybody can be a good citizen,because in many cases a friendly smile is all that is needed to build a better world.” says Zhang Yongsheng in an article on youth.cn.

The 69-year-old Wuhan woman has taken photographs of the people who offered their seats to her on buses.The 59 photographs are good memories for her.Some of the smiles are shy,some friendly,while others are like sunshine.

The old lady is not good at taking photographs with her smartphone,because some of them are of poor quality,but in spite of that,the series of photographs have become famous immediately on the Internet.

The smiles that the old lady has taken show people's care and love for others,which is becoming valuable in today's society.Her act also expressed her thanks to those who have helped her,says Zhang.

Offering one's seat to elderly people on buses has become a hot topic of discussion.There have been many cases of quarrels(争吵)between young and aged people recently.They could have been avoided if we had thought more about others and also more thankful when others offered help.

1.Why has the woman taken so many photos?

A. Because she has a smartphone of good quality.

B. Because she wants to show thanks in this way.

C. Because she decides to become famous.

D. Because she is good at taking photos.

2.The underlined word “citizen” means “________” in Chinese.

A. 模特    B. 乘客

C. 市民    D. 摄影师

3.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. The woman is 69 years old.

B. It took her about 6 months to photograph the “smile”.

C. People offering seats to her are not happy at all.

D. The 59 photos are valuable to the woman.

4.We should________to make a better world according to the passage.

A. love ourselves first

B. take many photos

C. avoid quarreling with old people

D. care about others and be thankful

5.The best title for this passage is________.

A. Kindness Recorded in Pictures

B. Pictures Popular on the Internet

C. A Woman Taking Pictures

D. An Incident Inspiring Others



Children across the world are taking pictures of their school meals.They are sending these pictures over the Internet to a young girl in Scotland.Then she shares the pictures and stories with people around the world.

The girl's name is Martha.She likes to write.So Martha decided to start her own blog(博客).Every day,Martha writes on the Internet about the meals she eats at school.She also takes pictures of the food.

Martha is very honest about the food.She does not just describe the food.She judges(评价) the taste of the food.She also judges how healthy the food is.Sometimes she likes the food,and sometimes she does not.Now,other people send pictures to Martha.Students around the world share their pictures of their school food!

Martha also started her blog for another important reason.She began to raise money for the organization(组织) Mary's Meals.Mary's Meals works in the East African country of Malawi.It provides food for children in schools.Martha encourages her readers to send money to Mary's Meals to help build a kitchen.

Martha hoped to raise about 10,000 dollars.But the total reached 100,000 dollars and still keeps on growing!

Martha's blog has also helped to improve meals at her school.Martha and her school friends found their meals improved since she started writing her blog.

No one knows what will happen to Martha's blog in future.But already this girl has helped to change the eating experience of many children just by sharing pictures of her school meals.

1.Martha started her blog to ________.

A. ask her school to improve meals

B. invite readers to judge school meals

C. show school meals around the world

D. express her opinions about school meals

2.According to the passage,we can know Mary's Meals ________.

A. works in Scotland

B. provides food for school children in Malawi

C. was set up by Martha

D. builds kitchens for poor families in Malawi

3.How much money did Martha hope her readers to send to Mary's Meals at first?

A. About $1,000,000.    B. About $100,000.

C. About $10,000.    D. About $1,000.

4.Martha ________ through her blog.

A. changed her eating habits

B. helped poor children at her school

C. made meals at her school improve

D. raised money for many organizations

5.What's the best title for the passage?

A. Martha Shares Her Food

B. Cooking Healthy School Meals

C. Martha Starts a Blog

D. Having School Meals Together



In 1826,a Frenchman named Niepce needed pictures for his business.But he was not a good artist.So he invented a very simple camera.He put it in a window of his house and took a picture of his garden.That was the first photo.

The next important date in the history of photography(摄影术)was in 1837.That year,Daguerre,another Frenchman,took a picture of his reading room.He used a new kind of camera in a different way.In his picture you could see everything very clearly,even the smallest thing.This kind of photo was called a Daguerreotype.

Soon,other people began to use Daguerre's way.Travelers brought back wonderful photos from all around the world.People took pictures of famous buildings,cities and mountains.

In about 1840,photography was developed.Then photographers could take pictures of people and moving things.That was not simple.The photographers had to carry a lot of films and other machines.But this did not stop them,for example,some in the United States worked so hard.

Mathew Brady was a famous American photographer.He took many pictures of great people.The pictures were unusual because they were very lifelike(栩栩如生的).

Photographers also became one kind of art by the end of the 19th century.Some photos were not just copies of the real world.They showed the ideas and feelings,like other kinds of art.

1.The first photo taken by Niepce was a picture of ________.

A. his business    B. his garden

C. his window    D. his camera

2.The Daguerreotype was ________.

A. a Frenchman    B. a kind of picture

C. a kind of camera    D. the smallest thing

3.If a photographer wanted to take pictures of moving things in the year of 1840,he had to ________.

A. watch lots of films

B. buy an expensive camera

C. take many films and something else with him

D. take pictures of people

4.Mathew Brady ________.

A. was very lifelike

B. was quite strong

C. only took pictures of great people

D. was famous for his unusual pictures

5.This passage tells us ________.

A. how photography was developed

B. how to show your ideas and feelings in pictures

C. how to take pictures in the world

D. how to use a new pind of camera



I was shy at first.I did not like people ______ me when I was taking pictures.I would even hide my camera ______ I wouldn't attract attention to myself.It didn't take long before I found I really liked taking pictures.______ I would go to places that people would not be looking at me.I would lie on the ground,or point the ______ at unusual angles(角度).I liked  pictures I got.As I let others look at ______ pictures,I found the unusual ones were the ones people liked most and talked about the most.Now I am not ______ to do whatever it takes to get an “unusual” picture.

One day I was at a car show and I lay______ on the ground and looked down the side of a car.As I got up,an old ______ was looking at me and said,“That's a different type of picture.” I ______ him the picture on my camera.He looked at me and said,“Wow,that's nice!” As I walked away,I looked back and he was down taking the same picture.

I ______.I had just helped that man look at the world a little differently…

1.A. helping    B. looking after    C. finding    D. looking at

2.A. but    B. so that    C. if    D. even though

3.A. Above all    B. As a result    C. At first    D. First of all

4.A. camera    B. ruler    C. phone    D. hand

5.A. your    B. my    C. his    D. their

6.A. proud    B. excited    C. surprised    D. afraid

7.A. down    B. about    C. over    D. up

8.A. woman    B. girl    C. man    D. boy

9.A. brought    B. showed    C. sent    D. bought

10.A. agreed    B. fell    C. appeared    D. smiled



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