满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

" " is used to tell us that we should le...

"      " is used to tell us that we should learn something step by step.

A. There is no end to learn.    B. It's never too old to learn.

C. Learn to fish but not just ask for fish.    D. Learn to walk before you run.


D 【解析】句意:“先学走,再学跑”被用于告诉我们应该一步一步地学习某物。There is no end to learn.学无止境;It's never too old to learn.活到老,学到老。Learn to fish but not just ask for fish.学会钓鱼,不只是要鱼,要学会举一反三。Learn to walk before you run. 先学走,再学跑,表示做事情一步一步的来。故选D。  

Beijing has many places of natural beauty, such as      . You can see all kinds of trees and some wild birds there.

A. the Palace Museum    B. Tian'anmen Square

C. Fragrant Hills Park    D. the Temple of Heaven



"The Belt and Road" will help to      markets for China as well as other countries along.

A. put up    B. set up    C. open up    D. take up



— Mum, can you give me some advice on how to behave myself at the table?

— Well, I do have some advice.   , please keep quiet while eating.

A. In all    B. Of all

C. At all    D. Above all



一Wow! So many students want to join the Helping Hands Club, but I don't know      one to choose.

一Why not Jenny? She is always willing to help others.

A. what    B. how    C. who    D. which



The Wuxi-Taipei airline      for about five years.

A. is opened    B. has opened    C. has been opened    D. has been open



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