满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

---I want to know if we will have a spri...

---I want to know if we will have a spring outing tomorrow?

----Yes. But if it _______, we will play chess.

A. will rain    B. is raining    C. rained    D. rains


D 【解析】句意:-我想知道明天我们是否会去春游。- 是的,但是如果下雨,我们就将会下棋。will rain一般将来时态,将要下雨;is raining现在进行时,正在下雨;rained是过去式;rains第三人称单数形式。这里if引导的是条件状语从句,从句中用一般现在时态,主句用一般将来时。故应选D。  

---_________has your English teacher worked here?

---Since 15 years ago.

A. How long    B. How often    C. When    D. How far



--- ______, how long does it take you to fly to Xi’an from Nanjing?

--- About 2 hours.

A. In the way    B. By the way    C. On the way    D. In some ways



You must return my book to me . You _______ it for two weeks.

A. keep    B. borrow

C. have borrowed    D. have kept



He left his key in the office. It made him _________in the cold to wait for his wife.

A. to stay    B. stayed    C. stays    D. stay



-- Do you mind me sitting beside you?

---       . The seat is for my sister.

A. Of course not    B. Better not    C. Yes,a little    D. Yes, I do



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