满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

The music sounds _____. You’d better tur...

The music sounds _____. You’d better turn the radio off.

A. well    B. loudly    C. terrible    D. gently


C 【解析】考查形容词和副词的用法。句意:这个音乐听起来很可怕,你最好把收音机关掉。A. well 副词,好地 ; B. loudly 副词,大声地; C. terrible 形容词,可怕的 D. Gently副词,轻柔的,缓慢的。根据You’d better turn the radio off.你最好把收音机关掉可知,这个音乐不好听,又根据sound是系动词,系动词后接形容词,A/B/D都是副词,只有C是形容词,故选C 点睛:形容词的用法,1.形容词可以修饰名词作定语,例如:a tall boy,2.形容词放在系动词的后面做表语,例如:I feel happy.副词的用法,1.副词修饰动词,例如:run fast;2.副词修饰形容词,例如:very happy 3.副词修饰其他的副词 ,例如:very fast 4.副词还可以修饰整个句子。  

We went around town putting _____ posters for the charity show.

A. up    B. on    C. off    D. out



The day I got my first job was _____ day of my life.

A. happy    B. happier    C. happiest    D. the happiest



Can you suggest some places where I can make _____ one-day trip from Shanghai?

A. a    B. an    C. the    D. /



Do American students have a lot of _____ to do?

A. test    B. survey    C. homework    D. project



Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others?

A. Relax and take a deep breath.    B. Demand for water will increase.

C. Heat the milk on the oven.    D. He’s a bright kid and eager to learn.



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