满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Da Shan is at Chinese. He can speak Chin...

Da Shan is     at Chinese. He can speak Chinese very     .

A. good; good    B. well; well

C. good; well    D. well; good


C 【解析】试题分析:句意:大山擅长汉语。他说汉语说得非常好。good好的,是形容词;well好的,是副词。be good at擅长。修饰动词短语speak Chinese故用副词well.故选C。 考点:考查形容词和副词的用法。  

---Will there _______ a football match on CCTV 5 this evening?

---Yes. There _______ usually football matches on Sunday evenings.

A. have; have    B. be; will be

C. are; are    D. be; are



--- When will you _________ Shanghai? I’ll meet you at the airport.

--- The plane took off late. I think I’ll _______ there at 5p.m.

A. arrive; arrive at    B. get to; get

C. arrive; get to    D. get to; arrive at



It is reported that     students from Xinhua Middle School planted     trees on the hill.

A. two hundreds; hundred of    B. two hundreds; hundreds of

C. two hundred; hundreds of    D. two hundred; hundred of



— Is this ______ wallet?

— Sorry, this is not ______ . It’s _______ .

A. your, my, Tom’s.    B. you, mine, Tom

C. yours, mine, Tom    D. your, mine, Tom’s



— I like this pair of shoes, can I_________?     —Yes, of course.

A. try it on    B. try them on    C. try on it    D. try on them



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