满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

My grandfather _____ live in the country...

My grandfather _____ live in the countryside, but now he_____ living in the city.

A. used to; used to    B. got used to; gets used to

C. used to; gets used to    D. got used to, used to


C 【解析】句意:我祖父过去住在乡下,但现在他已习惯于住在城里了。考查动词短语辨析。Used to do sth.:过去常常做某事;get used to doing sth.:习惯于做某事;结合句意和语境可知选C。  

This is the most beautiful picture __________ I have ever seen.

A. that    B. which    C. what    D. who



Your ipad is very nice. I want to know ______

A. how much did it cost    B. where you bought it

C. which country was it made in    D. when did you buy it



—Who’s the little baby in the photo, Li Ying?

—It’s me. This photo ____fourteen years ago.

A. is taken    B. took

C. takes    D. was taken



Do you want to be healthy? ______ can help you stay healthy.

A. Smile    B. Smiling

C. Smiles    D. Smiled



—Such beautiful flowers! I can’t decide _____ for my mom.

—For Mother’s Day, it can’t be better to take some carnations(康乃馨).

A. when to choose    B. which to choose

C. how to choose    D. where to choose



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