满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

完形填空 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。...



It was a cold snowy morning after the winter vacation. And it was my first____at my new school. I was walking alone slowly and____about lots of things. It was early and there weren’t many people on the road. Suddenly a girl who was____a bike on ice fell down. She was trying hard to get up but fell again.____thinking, I went over and helped her. She said “____” with a smile and then rode away. Her words warmed me a lot.

Finally, I got to school. The teacher led me to the____and introduced me to the class. Then he asked me to sit down beside a girl. I felt so____that I didn’t dare to look at her. Soon the first class,____, started. Their textbooks were different from those in my old school. As I was wondering____to do, an English book appeared in front of me. “Let’s share,” the girl beside me said, “Hi, I’m Carrie.” I____It was the girl I helped this morning. Later on, we became good friends.

From that I learned: to help others is actually to help ourselves!

1.A. day    B. week    C. term    D. month

2.A. dreaming    B. caring    C. talking    D. worrying

3.A. flying    B. riding    C. driving    D. running

4.A. Before    B. After    C. Without    D. From

5.A. Hello    B. Pardon    C. Sorry    D. Thanks

6.A. classroom    B. playground    C. library    D. office

7.A. happy    B. nervous    C. calm    D. serious

8.A. physics    B. English    C. geography    D. chess

9.A. what    B. how    C. when    D. where

10.A. looked out    B. looked down    C. looked up    D. looked into


1.A 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.B 9.A 10.C 【解析】试题分析:短文大意:文章主要讲述了一个帮助他人就是在帮助自己的故事。作者在去新学校的路上帮助了一位冰上骑车摔倒的女孩,恰巧,女孩成了作者的同桌,在作者没有英语书的情况下,他们共用一本书,成为了好朋友。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 44 to do, an English book appeared in front of me. 故选B。 9. 10. 考点:考查故事类短文。

—It’s hard for me to fall asleep at night. Could you offer me some advice?

—______. Tell me all about it and I’ll do what I can.

A. Never mind    B. No way    C. No problem    D. Forget it



“Wechat”(微信)really makes a great _____to people’s life. It’s easier for us to keep in touch with others.

A. choice    B. difference

C. problem    D. surprise



—Excuse me, could you tell me        ?

—In five minutes.

A. when the film would begin

B. how soon the film will begin

C. how long the film has been on

D. that if the film has been on



Some students can do very well in English exams, but can     understand what a native speaker says.

A. exactly    B. always    C. easily    D. hardly



I plan to build an unusual house. It      out of old things.

A. is built    B. has built

C. was built    D. will be built



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