满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Jeff is fifteen now, but he’s still in G...

Jeff is fifteen now, but he’s still in Grade One. He likes playing________, he often plays it with his friends, but he does not like to use his head. He does not listen to his________in class, So he can not do his homework. His teachers don’t like him. They tell his parents________it, and they do not know what to do.

It’s Sunday today. Jeff gets up_______in the morning. After breakfast, his mother tells him to do his homework. He goes to his bedroom. ________his mother is busy with her housework, Jeff goes out with a ball. Now it’s time for lunch, but she can’t ________Jeff.

Later he comes back. His parents look very angry, but say________. After lunch,  Jeff wants to go out again. His father stops him and_________, “Is your homework over?’’

“No,” answers the boy, “I Can’t do it.” His father pulls(拉、拽)him by the________and says, “Where is your ear?” “Oh,dear!”Jeff calls out, “It’s in your________.”

1.A. games    B. football    C. with dogs    D. with birds

2.A. teachers    B. classmates    C. Tom    D. his friend

3.A. of    B. with    C. about    D. for

4.A. happy    B. quick    C. sad    D. early

5.A. When    B. Before    C. After    D. By

6.A. 1ook for    B. find    C. know    D. watch

7.A. everything    B. anything    C. something    D. nothing

8.A. speaks    B. talks    C. asks    D. tells

9.A. ear    B. eye    C. nose    D. leg

10.A. bag    B. hand    C. foot    D. head


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.B 7.D 8.C 9.A 10.B 【解析】Jeff喜欢踢足球,但是他上课不注意听讲,也不会做作业,他的老师们都不喜欢他。一个星期天,Jeff趁妈妈忙着做家务没注意,出去玩球了,不写作业,他的爸爸很生气,拽了他的耳朵。 1.句意:他喜欢踢足球,他经常和朋友们一起踢球。games 游戏;football 足球;with dogs和狗一起;with birds和鸟一起。根据下文Jeff goes out with a ball可知,Jeff喜欢玩球,在几个选项中只有football是球类运动,故选B。 2.句意:在课堂上他不听老师讲课,因此他不会做作业。teachers 老师;classmates 同学们; Tom 一个男孩的名字;his friend他的朋友。根据下句话His teachers don’t like him和句中的in class可知,在课堂上是不听老师讲课,所以老师们都不喜欢他。故应选A。 3.句意:他们告诉了他的家长这件事,他们不知道该怎么做。of ...的;with 和...一起;about 关于,大约;for为了,因为。这里是固定短语tell sb. about sth.告诉某人关于某事。故应选C。 4.句意:早上Jeff起得很早。happy 开心的,快乐的;quick 快速的;sad 伤心的;early早的,可以做形容词,也可以做副词。通过分析可知,这个空填的词是修饰谓语动词get up的,A、B、C三个选项都是形容词,修饰动词应用副词,故应选D。 5.句意:当他的妈妈忙着做家务的时候,Jeff拿着球出去了。When 当...时候;Before 在...之前;After 在...之后;By到...时候。根据句意可知,Jeff出去是趁他的妈妈没有注意,所以是在妈妈做家务的时候,故应选A。 6.句意:现在到了吃午饭的时间了,但是她找不到Jeff。1ook for 寻找,表示动作,不知道结果如何;find 发现,找到,表示结果;know 知道;watch观看。根据文意可知,Jeff的妈妈找不到他,这里表示结果,不能找到,故应选B。 7.句意:他的父母看起来很生气,但是什么也没说。everything 每件事;anything 任何事,用于否定句中;something某事,用于肯定句中;nothing没什么事。根据句意和句中表示转折的but可知,虽然Jeff的父母很生气,但是他们没有说什么。故应选D。 8.句意:他的爸爸拦住他问道:“你的家庭作业做完了吗?”speaks 说,表示动作,后面常跟语言;talks 谈论,交谈;asks 问;tells告诉。根据后面爸爸说的话可知,这里是爸爸问了一个问题,故应选C。 9.句意:他的爸爸拽着他的耳朵说:“你的耳朵在哪儿?”ear 耳朵;eye 眼睛;nose 鼻子; leg腿。根据下句话Where is your ear以及Jeff回答可知,他的爸爸问他耳朵在哪里,故应选A。 10.句意:Jeff喊着说:“哦,天哪,它在你的手里。”bag 书包;hand 手;foot 脚;head头。根据上文His father pulls(拉、拽)him by the____9____and says, “Where is your ear?”可知,Jeff爸爸拽着他的耳朵,所以Jeff说他的耳朵在他爸爸的手里。故应选B。 点睛:这是一篇完形填空,讲述了Jeff的故事。短文内容贴近学生日常生活,生词量较小,比较容易理解。这一题型考查学生在具体情境中,综合运用语言的能力,有一定的难度。做题时,学生们应首先通读全文,掌握大意;然后逐一做题,注意空前后的固定搭配和上下文的线索提示;最后再读短文,检查答案。例如第1小题,在文章中并没有比较明显的提示Jeff喜欢玩什么,但是文章后面有这样一句话Jeff goes out with a ball,这是对我们做题的提示,Jeff喜欢的是球,在选项中就有一个football是球类运动,所以选它。再例如第9小题和第10小题,这两个题目有很大的关联,文章中Where is your ear是我们做题的重要线索,根据这一句话我们可以知道这两个题目的答案。

There is ________ with my watch. It doesn’t work.

A. anything wrong    B. wrong things    C. something wrong    D. wrong something



---Would you like to try ____ Beijing Duck ? It’s very famous.    --- Certainly.

A. some    B. any    C. no    D. a few.



_________is here. Let’s begin our meeting now.

A. Somebody    B. Anybody    C. Nobody    D. Everybody



English will help us ______ in our work and study.

A. lot          B. a lot

C. a lot of      D. lots of



It’s only five    walk from our school to the football field.

A. minute    B. minutes    C. minute’s    D. minutes’



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