满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

--- Tom, supper is ready. --- I don't wa...

--- Tom, supper is ready.

--- I don't want to eat___ , Mum. I'm not feeling well.

A. everything      B. nothing

C. something      D. anything


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:---汤姆,晚饭准备好了。---我不想要吃任何东西,妈妈。我感觉不是很舒服。此题考查不定代词,因为是否定句,故用anything,根据句意,应选D。 考点:考查不定代词。  

--- How far is your home from school? --- It’s about ten ______ walk.

A. minutes    B. minutes’    C. minute’s    D. minute



My cousin Andy can play ___ piano very well. Now he is studying at ____ university.

A. the; an    B. the; a    C. /; an    D. /; a








My hometown

Hello, I’m John. Let me show you around my hometown.



Teenagers live very busy lives now and often forget to think about their diets and exercise. The truth is, healthy eating along with regular exercise is the only way to k1. fit.

During your teenage years, it is important to give your body the energy it needs. Teenage

g2. need about 2,200 calories a day and boys need a bit m3. ---doctors suggest 2,800 for teenage boys. 50% of your calories should come f4. rice, bread, vegetables and fruit. You also need to drink a lot of water, 6 to 8 glasses a day. Drinking e5. water will improve your skin and give you healthy hair.

E6. is something that can help to make you look good, feel good and be healthy. Experts (专家) suggest that teenagers should s7. at least 30 minutes exercising, five times a week.

W8. you exercise, your body produces something that makes you f9. relaxed(放松的). It can even help you s10. better at night and let you pay more attention when you study!



“Give it back to me!” Zhu Han shouted at his mum angrily. She had just grabbed(抓取) his cell phone, saying that he should stop playing and go to sleep.

“I told her it was 9 o’clock and I’d finished my homework, but she didn’t listen,” said the 15-year-old boy. “I really couldn’t understand her!”

Do you sometimes feel the same way? A China Youth Daily report said that, according to a survey on 1,500 students, 61% of the students said they felt they weren’t able to communicate(交流) with their parents. Besides, 37% of them said they never shared their worries with their parents.

One of the most important reasons is that students and parents don’t have much common ground(共同点). The different ages always lead to different interests.

Peng Yu, a psychological professor(心理学教授) pointed out another reason. He said when entering puberty(青春期), teenagers begin to have their own thoughts(思想) and want their parents to treat them like adults(成人). But parents don’t follow the change.

He suggested that children should first understand that their parents do everything out of love. “With this in mind, students should try to talk with their parents calmly and often enough,” he said.

Huang Xinlin, 14, agreed with the advice. She talks with her mum during supper every day and she also helps do the housework. “We talk about everything and even make jokes while sharing housework,” Huang said happily. “We are like friends.”

A quarrel(争吵) between a son and his mother

Zhu Han quarreled with his mother on whether he should play 1. his cell phone.


The common problem between teens and parents

A survey showed that 61% of students felt themselves unable to communicate with 2..

37% of students said they never shared 3. with parents.

4. for the problem

Students and parents have5.common ground. The different ages lead to different 6..

When teenagers enter puberty, they have their 7.thoughts and want to be treated like adults. But parents don’t follow the changes.


Advice from a professor and a student

Children should keep understanding in 8.. And they should talk to parents in a 9. way often enough.

A 14-year-old student agrees and says she also 10.housework with parents.





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