满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—When did he,to bed yesterday? — . A. By...

—When did he,to bed yesterday?


A. By the time his mother came back    B. Not until his mother came back

C. Until his mother came back    D. Since his mother came back


B 【解析】句意:——昨天他几点去睡觉的?——直到他的母亲回来。这里句子的完整回应答是He didn’t go to bed until his mother came back。Not...until...表示直到……才;根据题意,故选B。  

—How long has Li Hai     ?

—Since two years ago.

A. come to our school    B. begun to learn English

C. joined the Reading Club    D. studied in our school



      I play cards with you here?

—Yes. But you     talk loudly.  Your father is sleeping now.

A. Must; can't    B. May; must

C. Can; mustn't    D. can't; can



— You should be careful when ________.

— Yes, I willI’d like to know when ________ to have a rest.

A. driving; stopping    B. driving; to stop

C. to drive; stopping    D. to drive; to stop



We are planning to go for a picnic this weekend, but it     the weather.

A. turns on    B. puts on    C. depends on    D. gets on



—To cure her mother's illness, she gave up going to college,although it was     her own wishes.

—Oh,I think we should learn from her.

A. on    B. above    C. against    D. before



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