满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

The boy was made the streets without mon...

The boy was made     the streets without money in the old days.

A. clean    B. cleaned    C. to clean    D. be cleaned


C 【解析】句意:在旧社会,那个男孩被要求去免费打扫街道。make sb. do sth.表示使某人做某事;被动语态是be made to do sth.表示被要求去做某事。根据题意,故选C。  

—Have you got anything else to do this afternoon,Lucy and Lily?

—Yes.     of us are going to raise money for the charity.

A. Each    B. Either    C. Both    D. All



—When did he,to bed yesterday?


A. By the time his mother came back    B. Not until his mother came back

C. Until his mother came back    D. Since his mother came back



—How long has Li Hai     ?

—Since two years ago.

A. come to our school    B. begun to learn English

C. joined the Reading Club    D. studied in our school



      I play cards with you here?

—Yes. But you     talk loudly.  Your father is sleeping now.

A. Must; can't    B. May; must

C. Can; mustn't    D. can't; can



— You should be careful when ________.

— Yes, I willI’d like to know when ________ to have a rest.

A. driving; stopping    B. driving; to stop

C. to drive; stopping    D. to drive; to stop



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