满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

When Amy wrote her first novel in second...

When Amy wrote her first novel in secondary school,  she never dreamed that she would become a writer one day.  Like many ______ writers on the Internet, the ______ woman got into this online world by chance.

Three years ago,Amy worked in a medical industry(工业、行业).Her job kept her busy for six months and left her almost ______ to do for the rest of the year.  To fill the time,  she started writing novels on the Internet.  Her first novel was about her neighbours and their life that she is familiar(熟悉)with.

Amy has been interested in writing ______ she was a child. At first, she just wanted to share her novels ______ people she knew.  Then one day an editor(编辑)of a famous website emailed her, asking her ______ she would like to sell the electronic(电子)copyright(授权)of one of her novels, She agreed at once and the novel was moved to the VIP section of the website.  She got $1, 500 for that.

Now Amy is a full-time ______ . So far her eight novels have come out online,and five of  them ______ .  "The Internet made me famous and brought me ______ ," she said. "I earn much more money now-about $60,000 a year.  I am pleased with what I'm doing, but there is one problem-that my talent(才能)might run out after five years and I'll have to return to work in the medical industry. "

"Before that day comes,I'll keep ____ for the readers with my light and close-to-everyday-life

writing style, "said Amy with a smile.

1.A. other    B. others    C. another    D. the other

2.A. 28-year-old    B. 28-years-old    C. 28 years old    D. 28-year old

3.A. something    B. anything    C. everything    D. nothing

4.A. when    B. while    C. since    D. until

5.A. about    B. of    C. to    D. with

6.A. that    B. if    C. why    D. how often

7.A. housewife    B. editor    C. saleswoman    D. writer

8.A. will print    B. were printing    C. printed    D. were printed

9.A. success    B. succeed    C. successful    D. successfully

10.A. to write    B. writing    C. write    D. written


1.A 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.D 6.B 7.D 8.D 9.A 10.B 【解析】本文介绍了一名网络作家Amy的成名过程,以及她功成名退的良好心态。 1.A. other别的,其他的,后加名词的复数;B. others代词,其他的人们;C. another另一个;D. the other另一个;other后可跟可数名词复数,others不可。句意“像许多别的互联网作家一样”。故选A。 2.the ___2___ woman got into this online world by chance. 句意:这位28岁的女士以一个偶然的机会进入了网络世界。28-year-old作定语,中间要加连字符,且year不加s。故选A。 3.A. something一些东西;B. anything任何东西;C. everything一切的事情;D. nothing没什么。句意:她忙了6个月,而剩下的没什么什么事。这里表示否定意义。故选D。 4.句意:自从她是个孩子的时候,Amy 一直对写作感兴趣。A. when当……的时候;B. while当……时候;C. since自从;D. until直到。这里是since引导的从句。根据题意,故选C。 5.句意:起初,他只是想分享她的小说给她知道的那些人们。 短语share…with…表示和某人分享……;根据题意,故选D。 6.句意:然后有一天,一个知名网站编辑发电子邮件给她,问她是否愿意出售她的一个小说电子版权。这里是if引导的条件状语从句。根据题意,故选B。 7.句意:现在Amy是一名全职的作家。 A. housewife家庭主妇;B. editor编辑;C. saleswoman女售货员;D. writer作家。这里是说作家。根据题意,故选D。 8.句意:到目前为止,她的八部小说已经在网上出版,其中五本将出版。根据语境可知用一般将来时。其结构是will+动词的原形。根据题意,故选D。 9.句意:网络使我 出名和带给我成功。A. success成功,名词;B. succeed成功,动词;C. successful成功的;D. successfully成功地。这里是说带来成功,用名词。根据题意, 故选A。 10.句意:我会用我的轻松和贴近生活的方式继续为读者写信。短语keep doing sth.表示一直做某事。根据题意,故选B。 点睛:完形填空设空以实词为主、虚词为辅,单词为主、短语为辅。动词、名词、形容词、副词、代词等实词通常要占全部小题数的80%以上。而介词、连词、冠词等虚词则相对考得较少。 一、完形填空解题步骤 通览------试填-----复核 1 通览----速度全文,把握大意 快速阅读一下全文,通过通览全文、领会大意,概略地了解文章的体裁、背景、内容、结构层次、情节、写作风格等等。 2 试填----紧扣文意,瞻前顾后 先易后难,逐层深入。紧扣全文内容,联系上下文和语境,展开逻辑推理,注意从上下文中寻找线索,注意词汇的意义、搭配,惯用法,语法,常识等多个角度进行综合考虑。 3 复核----全面检查,确保语意连贯,用词准确 试填后,要把全文再通读一遍 ,注意看所选答案填入空白处后能否做到文章意思通顺、前后连贯、逻辑严谨、结构完整、首尾呼应。 二、解题技巧 1. 充分利用文章的上下文和前后句,找到对选择有提示作用的词或句。(同义词或反义词) 2. 注意固定搭配 3. 注意同义词的辨义 4.根据上下文的逻辑关系确定选项 5. 根据生活常识以及相关知识确定选项 6. 利用语法知识选出正确选项

—Amy scored 100 points in the physics exam.

    . She is the most hard-working student in our class.

A. No pain, no gain

B. It never rains but it pours

C. Don't put all your eggs in one basket

D. Many hands make light work



—Would you mind me     here?

    . The seat is for Mr. Wu.

A. sitting; Of course not    B. to sit; No, not at all

C. sitting; Sorry, you'd better not    D. to sit; Yes, I would



This novel     well.  Get it now before it     out.

A. is sold; is sold    B. sells; is sold

C. sold; sells    D. sells; sells



The boy was made     the streets without money in the old days.

A. clean    B. cleaned    C. to clean    D. be cleaned



—Have you got anything else to do this afternoon,Lucy and Lily?

—Yes.     of us are going to raise money for the charity.

A. Each    B. Either    C. Both    D. All



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