满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

The new CD ________ so well that it ____...

The new CD ________ so well that it _______ out in all the shops.

A. is sold; sells    B. sells; sells

C. is sold; is sold    D. sells; is sold


D 【解析】试题分析:句意:新的光盘销售很好,所有的商店都卖光了。sell可用作及物动词和不及物动词。其主语一般是指人,但是在表示某物卖得不错时,要用主动语态。结合语境可知前文用主动语态,下文指的是被卖完了,故用被动语态。选A。 考点:考查被动语态。  

一Did James invite you to his party?

一He did. But I had to      it because it was hard for me to spare time for it.

A. refuse    B. accept    C. return    D. receive



He is very smart, but he is not      enough. That's why he is afraid of the exams.

A. correct    B. confident    C. polite    D. gentle



一I don't know      to use this machine.

一It doesn't matter. Here is the instruction.

A. when    B. how    C. where    D. what



It’s a pity that I failed. But I am sure I will make it if I am given another   .

A. chance    B. purpose

C. success    D. condition



一Do you agree with her idea?

一No, I'm       riding an electric bike to school. That's too dangerous.

A. for    B. on    C. off    D. against



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