满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

I was just talking to Jane when Dave on ...

I was just talking to Jane when Dave      on our conversation.

A. cut in    B. pushed in    C. handed in    D. gave in


A 【解析】句意:我正在和简谈话,这时戴夫打断了我们的谈话。A.cut in打断、插嘴;B. pushed in推进去;C. handed in上交;D. gave in屈服。 故选:A。  

一Has Lucy gone back to her home in the US?

一Yes. She      here only for three days with her friend.

A. stayed    B. will stay    C. has stayed    D. was staying



一Mum, do you mind my listening to music for a while?

     . But please listen to it in a low voice.

A. Yes, please    B. No, thank you    C. Not at all    D. Yes, I do



一Will you hold a party in the open air this Saturday?

一I'm not sure. It      the weather.

A. cares about    B. leads to    C. depends on    D. agrees with



The new CD ________ so well that it _______ out in all the shops.

A. is sold; sells    B. sells; sells

C. is sold; is sold    D. sells; is sold



一Did James invite you to his party?

一He did. But I had to      it because it was hard for me to spare time for it.

A. refuse    B. accept    C. return    D. receive



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