满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

She spoke __________ for everyone to und...

She spoke __________ for everyone to understand.

A. enough clear    B. clear enough    C. enough clearly    D. clearly enough


D 【解析】句意:对于每个人来说他说地足够的清晰来理解。enough修饰形容词或副词要后置;这里是副词修饰动词,clearly enough表示足够地仔细。根据题意,故选D。  

The astronaut is so tired that he ____ for eleven hours.

A. has been asleep  B. has fallen asleep

C. has gone to bed  D. has gone to sleep



— ________?   

— He is modest and energetic.

A. What does your monitor like?    B. How do you think of your monitor?

C. How do you like your monitor?    D. What do you like your monitor?



— Where is Millie?

— She _________in her bedroom just now. He _________ be there now.


A. heard to sing; may    B. was heard sing; must

C. heard sing; must    D. was heard to sing; may



— Will you come to the dinner party?

— I won’t come unless my best friend Kitty ___________.

A. is invited    B. will be invited    C. invites    D. invited



— Could you tell me __________?

— At 8:35, in twenty minutes.

A. when the train took off    B. how soon will the train take off

C. whether the train has taken off               D. when the train will take off



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