满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

It's _______ far _______ walk home from ...

It's _______ far _______ walk home from here. Let's take a bus.

A. so, that    B. too, to    C. such, that


B 【解析】句意:从这里步行回家太远了。我们坐公共汽车吧。本题考查固定句型It’s+adj +to do sth . 做---(怎么样) ;it是形式主语,指代的内容是后面的动词不定时(to do sth.),too太,副词,修饰形容词far;根据句意和语境可知选B。 点睛:(一)such…that与so…that意思是“如此…以致于…”,连接一个表示结果的状语从句。 so…that这一结构中,so后边可加形容词或副词,而such后边要用名词(这个名词前面可以带形容词,也可以不带).具体用法如下, such…that的句型结构可分以下三种: 1) such+a(an)+adj.+单数可数名词+that+从句,例如,He is such a clever boy that everybody likes him.他非常聪明,大家都非常喜欢他。 2)such+adj.+复数可数名词+that+从句;例如, They are such interesting novels that I want to read them once again.这些小说非常有趣,我想再读一遍. 3)such+adj.+不可数名词+that+从句,例如, He has made such great progress that the teachers are pleased with him. 他进步得很快,老师们对他感到很满意. 注意:如果such后边的名词前由many、much、few、little等词所修饰的话,则不用 such而用so.(1) so+ many(多) / few(少) +复数可数名词+that…(2)so+ much(多) /little(少) +不可数名词+that… 例如,He had so many falls that he was black and blue all over. 他摔了很多跤,以致于全身上下青一块,紫一块的. He had so little education that he was unfit for this job. 他所受教育很少,不适合做这个工作.(二)too +形容词/副词+to do sth.:太…不能做某事;例如,He is too young to go to school. 他太小了不能上学。这句也可用so…that…或such…that…句型转换。He is too young to go to school.=He is so young that he can’t go to school.=He is such a young boy that he can’t go to school.  

---Why not _______  to the park now?

---Good idea! Let’s go.

A. go    B. to go    C. going



Teenagers     allowed to drive .

A. should not be    B. should be not    C. not should be



How time flies! We'll graduate. Three years _______ really a short time.

A. was    B. are    C. is



---When is Jay’s concert?

---It’s _____three o’clock _____ the afternoon of July 18th.

A. at; in    B. at; on    C. on; in



______ girl who will perform at the party tomorrow comes from ______ European country.

A. A; the    B. The; a    C. The; an



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