满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

1.How does he like talent shows?(改为同义句)...


1.How does he like talent shows?(改为同义句)

_________ ________he__________ _________talent shows?

2.My mother loves sitcoms.(对画线部分提问)

_______ does your mother _________ __________ sitcoms?

3.Mary likes soap operas.(改为否定句)

Mary_________ ________ soap operas.

4.She plans to play ping-pong this afternoon.(改为一般疑问句)

_________she__________ to play ping-pong this afternoon?

5.My sister wants to see a movie.(改为否定句)

My sister____________ __________ to see a movie.


1.What doesthink of 2.Whatthink of 3.doesn’t like 4.Doesplan 5.doesn’twant 【解析】 1.句意:他认为选秀节目怎么样?How+助动词+主语+like…?=What+助动词+主语+think of…?表示让某人发表对……的看法。同义句的上下句时态要一致,故答案为(1). What (2). does (3). think (4). of 2.句意:我的妈妈喜欢情景喜剧。What+助动词+主语+think of…?表示某人对某事的观点态度或看法。像like, hate等词就是表示观点态度的动词,就其提问就要用到上面的句型,故答案为(1). What (2). think (3). of 3.句意:玛丽喜欢肥皂剧。likes是like的第三人称单数形式,为实意动词,变否定句时需借助doesn’t,后跟动词原形,故答案为(1). doesn’t (2). like 4.句意:她计划今天下午打乒乓球。plans是plan的第三人称单数形式,为实意动词,变一般疑问句时要借助Does,后跟动词原形,故答案为(1). Does (2). plan 5.句意:我妹妹想去看电影。want为实意动词,整个句子为一般现在时态,变否定句时需借助doesn’t,后跟动词原形,故答案为1). doesn’t (2). want 点睛:含有实意动词的肯定句变否定句和一般疑问句时,对于初学者来说可能感觉有点难度,会出现使用系动词be的情况。其实只要记住如果句中出现be动词,情态动词的情况,变否定句时,就在be动词,情态动词之后加not,变一般疑问句时把be动词,情态动词提前;如果不含be动词,情态动词,而含有其它的实意动词,就需要借助助动词,还要根据人称及时态去判断所要选择的助动词,切记助动词后要跟动词原形。像3,4,5三个小题。

—What do you think of the Sochi Winter Olympic Games?

—_________.They are exciting.

A. I love them

B. I can’t stand them

C. Sounds terrible

D. I don’t mind them



I like places where the weather is always warm. I hope________ Hawaii this winter.

A. visiting    B. to visit    C. visited



The students plan_________ for vacation with their teachers.

A. go    B. to go    C. goes    D. going



---     do you think of the movie? ----It’s boring. I don’t like it.

A. Why    B. What    C. How    D. Who




1.He _____ to travel all over the world this summer vacation.

2.I _____ we can finish the work this month.

3.I like to read classic books. They are very________.

4.What do you_________ me to do?

5.My brother often has a___________ about computer games with other boys.



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