满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

A.What do you think of soap operas? B.I ...

A.What do you think of soap operas?

B.I don’t mind them,but I really like game shows.

C.Yes,I do.

D.Do you like them?

E.How about talk shows?

F.Well, I like sports shows and sitcoms.

G.Why don’t your parents like it?

A:Do you often watch TV, Carol?

B:1. My parents can’t stand it,but my brother and I love it.

A:What shows do you like?

B:2. I don’t like talk shows. I think they’re boring. Do you like them?

A:3.Do you like Winter Takes ALL?

B:Yes, but my favorite game show is Dog Eats Dog,

A:Yes,it’s good.4..

B: Soap operas? They’re awful! I can’t stand them! 5.

A:Yes,I love them. They’re really interesting.


1.C 2.F 3.B 4.A 5.D 【解析】 1.句意:是的,我经常看。问句“Do you often watch TV, Carol?”是一般疑问句,要用Yes或No来回答。故答案为C。 2.句意:嗯,我喜欢体育节目和情景喜剧。问句是询问喜欢什么样的节目,对所喜欢的节目进行的回答,故答案为F。 3.句意:我不介意,但我真的很喜欢游戏类节目。上句要求对访谈类节目做一评价,故答案为B。“我对访谈节目无所谓”。 4.句意:你觉得肥皂剧怎么样?根据下一句中的“soap operas?”可知,问句与肥皂剧有关,故答案为A。 5.句意:你喜欢它们吗?根据答语可知,问句是一般疑问句,问句中一定会出现复数名词或代词,故答案为D。

—______your brother _______ to see a movie?

—Yes, he does.

A. Do; want    B. Does; want

C. Do; wants    D. Does; wants



—How is the life in your hometown now?

—People are living a much better life than I         .

A. expected    B. planned    C. discovered    D. noticed



My good friend often plays jokes          me.

A. on    B. in    C. at    D. with



—Would you mind me___      _ basketball here?

—Of course not.

A. play    B. played    C. to play    D. playing



The bike is so beautiful that I plan         one.

A. to buy    B. buying    C. buy    D. bought



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