满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—Mr. Smith, I don’t think we can get the...

—Mr. Smith, I don’t think we can get there on time by bike.

—You mean it’s ______ for us to take a taxi?

A. necessary    B. important    C. easy    D. difficult


A 【解析】试题分析:句意:——史密斯先生,我认为我们骑自行车不能按时到那儿。——你的意思是我们有必要打出租?句型it’s +形容词+for sb to do sth。根据句意,A符合题意。B重要的C容易的D困难的。故选A。  

The little girl is very ______ and she always speaks ________ in public.

A. quiet; quiet    B. quiet; quietly

C. quietly; quietly    D. quietly; quiet



随着家庭生活条件的提高,现在的孩子或多或少会有一些零花钱。请以How to Spend Our Pocket Money为题写一段话,内容必须包括以下提示要点,词数在80-100之间。



How to Spend Our Pocket Money

As families are now living a better life, we kids can have some pocket money         








Are you still doing the V for victory sign? It’s out. The latest popular hand gesture(手势)is putting both of your hands and put them together to make a heart—shape. It is1.“hand heart”.

Many young pop2.in the US have done the move in recent photos. “The‘hand heart’gesture means something3.‘I love you’ and ‘thank you’, ”said Taylor Swift,the country singer. “You can send a sweetsimple message without4.a word.”

Swift often does it at her concerts. And she is believed to be the first to5.it popular.

Last monthJustin Bieber and6.superstar friends did the “ hand heart” and put the photos online.They did it to help out three kids whose parents were killed in a car accident.

“It used to take much7.for nonverbal(非语言的)culture to move. But now ,It moves faster8.we have smart phones and the Internet.

In the Republic of Korea, the “hand heart “ has been9.for a long time, but in a different10.. People there put their hands above their heads and making a bigger heart shape with their arms. It means: “I love you.”



“Mum, I hate you. I don't need a new schoolbag or clothes. I'm not afraid of being hit by you. I only want you to come back.”

When Chen Jiuying read her daughter's letter, she couldn't help crying. Chen and her husband are now working far away from their hometown. Their daughter, Xiao Li, is looked after by her grandparents. Like Chen, many migrant workers(外来务工人员) are dreaming about a better life, so they have to leave their children behind.

According to a survey, there are now about 61 million left-behind children(留守儿童) in poor areas in China. This has brought about many problems. These children care little about others. They do not do well at school. They lost confidence.

Luckily many Chinese are now thinking about the life of the left-behind children and actions have been taken to help solve the problem.

A charity event took place in Beijing before Children's Day. Its aim was to raise social awareness(意识) of left­behind children. The event was held to raise money from businesses and the public to prepare “love bags”. Inside the bags, these are things for children including books, torches, and envelopes and stamps so that children can write to their parents.

The event was started by Chen Weihong, a television host in China. “The left­behind children don't have enough parental love and family care. They need to be in touch with their parents. We hope our love bags will help them communicate with their parents, and make them happier,” he said.

1.Who is looking after Xiao Li?


2.How many left­behind children are there in poor areas in China according to a survey?


3.Have actions been taken to help solve the problem?


4.Where did the charity event take place?


5.Why did Chen Weihong start the charity event?




New rules and behavior standards(行为规范) for middle school students came out in August, 2015. 1.To be good students, we not only need to get good grades but also behave correctly in our daily life. The following are some of the new rules.

2.Don’t do that again! That’s not something an honest student often does. As middle school students, we should listen to our teachers carefully and answer questions actively in class. We should have good reading habits, think and ask more.

According to the new rules and behavior standards, we should try to be kind to others, and respect our teachers and parents. 3.Sometimes, our parents may feel tired after work, so it’s our duty to help them do something. After all we are not small childen any more.

4.That means we should keep away from drugs(毒品); we should not smoke or drink because they are bad for us. We should also obey the traffic rules when walking on the street. That will keep us safe. Remember to ask for help when we are in danger.

Use the Internet carefully. The Internet can be very useful for students. 5.So try to look at websites that are good for you.




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