满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

1.Lin Tao is _____________ (hard-workin...


1.Lin Tao is _____________ (hard-working) and better at schoolwork than me.

2.Who runs ________ (fast), Li Ling or Wang Jian?

3.I’m __________(good) at physics than my sister.

4.My uncle is as _______(heavy) as my father. They both want to exercise to keep healthy.

5.My sister is ____________ (thin) than me and she doesn’t eat breakfast at all.

6.—Why do you like your English teacher?

—Because she is ________ (friend) and helpful to us.

7.Zhang Rui is ________ (talent) in music and she can sing well.

8.He is ________(funny) than the other students in his class.

9.The old woman is __________ (real) kind. She usually gives money to charity although she is not rich.

10.If you know more ________ (information), you can tell me.


1.more hard-working 2.faster 3.better 4.heavy 5.thinner 6.friendly 7.talented 8.funnier 9.really 10.information 【解析】 1.And连接两个并列成分,better是比较级,故hardworking也用比较级。故答案为more hardworking。 2.句意:谁跑的更快,李凌还是王建?两人作比较,用比较级。故答案为faster。 3.句中有than,形容词用比较级。故答案为better。 4.As...as之间用形容词或副词原形。故答案为heavy。 5.句中有than,形容词用比较级。故答案为thinner。 6.句中所填词和helpful是并列关系,故词性也应是一样的,都用形容词。故答案为friendly。 7.固定短语be talented in...(在......有天赋)。故答案为talented。 8.句中有than,形容词用比较级。故答案为funnier。 9.修饰形容词kind用real的副词really。故答案为really。 10.More是many和much的比较级,其后既可跟可数名词,也可跟不可数名词。Information是不可数名词。故答案为information。

Cindy plays the violin ________, but I play it ________ than her.

A. well; better    B. well; good

C. good; better    D. good; well



This math problem is _______that one.

A. not so easy as    B. more easy than    C. as easier as    D. easy than



—Does your cousin work as hard as you?   

—________ . She is less hard-working.

A. Yes, she is.    B. Yes, she does.

C. No, she isn’t.    D. No, she doesn’t.



In fact, listening is just as        as speaking in language learning.

A. important    B. more important

C. more difficult    D. more interesting



It is        today than it        yesterday.

A. colder; was    B. colder; is    C. cold; was    D. cold; is



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