满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Hello, everyone. I am Peter. This is my...


Hello, everyone. I am Peter. This is my 1. tree. John is my 2.. He is sixty years old. My grandmother, 3., is sixty years old, too. David is my4. and his wife(妻子)is Helen, my5.. They like the same (相同的)color, yellow. My6. name is Tony. His telephone number is 657-23456. And my mother is7.. Her telephone 8. is 657-23546. There are9.people in my family. I love(爱)them. I10. my family.


1.family 2.grandfather 3.Mary 4.uncle 5.aunt 6.father’s 7.Susan 8.number 9.eight/8 10.love 【解析】这篇文章介绍了Peter的家庭成员。 1.这是我的家谱。家谱是family tree。故答案为family。 2.根据家谱可知,John是Peter的爷爷。故答案为grandfather。 3.从家谱上可看出,Peter的奶奶是Mary。故答案为Mary。 4.从家谱上可看出,David是Peter的叔叔。故答案为uncle。 5.从家谱上可看出,Helen是Peter的婶婶。故答案为aunt。 6.从家谱上可看出,Peter的爸爸是Tony。故答案为father’s。 7.从家谱上可看出,Peter的妈妈是Susan。故答案为Susan。 8.本题考查telephone number(电话号码)。故答案为number。 9.从家谱上可看出,Peter家有八口人。故答案为eight。 10.句意:我爱我家。爱是love。故答案为love。

this, uncle, Thank you for, I, cousin

1. your family photo in your e-mail. You have a happy family. Here is a photo of my family. My grandparents are sitting in the sofa. And I think you know2.are my parents. That man is my 3.. He is my father’s brother. And my aunt is next to him. Can you see4.? Yes, I’m in the chair. The other children are all my5..

They are Sally, Cindy and John. We are good friends and often play together. I love them. I love my family.



Kelsey:Look at this picture, Mike.

Mike:Oh, a nice picture.1. !

Kelsey:Yes, it is.

Mike:Oh, you have a big family. Who’s this?


Mike:Is this man your uncle?


Mike:What’s his name?

Kelsey:His name is Tom.

Mike:Who’s this woman? Is she your aunt?

Kelsey: 4.

Mike:Who are those three children (孩子)?

Kelsey: 5.

A.Yes, she is my father’s sister.

B.They are my sister, my brother and I.

C.This is my grandfather and the old woman is my grandmother.

D.Is it a picture of your family?

E.Yes, he is.




1.This is a new watch.(改为一般疑问句)

__________ __________ a new watch?

2.Those are erasers. ( 改为单数句)

_________is __________eraser.

3.That is my brother.(改为否定句).

_________ ____________my brother.

4.The baseball is under the bed.(对画线部分提问 |)

__________ ________the baseball?

5.My name is Bob White.(改为同义句)

_________ _________ Bob White.





__________ __________ ___________ in my grandparents’ room.


That white_________ ________is Anna’s.


_________ __________ ________ your help.


________ _________ _______ in English?


My dictionary is here. _________ ________yours?



My name is Jack. I’m English. My family are in Beijing now. My parents are teachers. Dale is my brother and Helen is my sister. Dale and I are in a middle school in Beijing. Helen is two and she is nice.

My room is nice and tidy. My books and tapes are in the bookcase. But Dale’s books are everywhere in his room. My yellow chair is under the desk. My schoolbag is on the sofa. My clock is red. It’s on the desk. My parents say I can always keep (保持)my room tidy.

1.______people(人)are in Jack’s family.

A. Four    B. Five    C. Six    D. Seven

2.______are middle school students(学生).

A. Jack and his brother

B. Jack and his sister

C. Jack’s brother and sister

D. Jack and his cousin

3.Where are Dale’s books?

A. On the sofa.

B. In his bookcase.

C. Everywhere.

D. Under the chair

4.You can know_______.

A. Jack’s sister is nine

B. Dale’s books are in the bookcase

C. Dale keeps his room tidy

D. Jack’s parents are in China

5.What’s the second paragraph about?(2段是关于什么的?)

A. Jack’s family.    B. Jack’s room.

C. Jack’s sister.    D. Jack’s school.



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