满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

I try my best________ a good student. A....

I try my best________ a good student.

A. be    B. to be    C. am    D. is


B 【解析】Try one’s best to do sth(尽某人最大的努力去做某事)。故选B。  

在众多的电视节目中你最喜欢什么节目?请简要谈谈你 的观点,以“My favorite TV program”为题,写一篇80词左右的短文。



2. 你为什么喜欢这个节目?

3. 你从这个节目中学到了什么?

My favorite TV program








W:Hi, Frank!1.

M:My favorite TV shows are Animal World and Talk Show.

W:Oh, I like Animal Worlds too. But we can't watch Talk Show any more.


W:Because the show was out of TV.


W:Two years ago.

M:What a pity(可惜)!4.

W:I don't like it.5.

M:Because it’s educational.



meaning, education, success relax, discuss

1.I think traveling around the world would be very________.

2.We are having a________ on whether the students should wear school uniforms.

3.He was not only a _____________ writer but also the greatest poet.

4.How___________ it is to have a bath after a day of work!

5.It’s_________ to argue about it.




1.His r_________ for going back to school is to learn new things.

2.Don’t play a j____________ on that old man any more. It’s impolite.

3.When we learn a language, we also need to learn something about its c________.

4.Although she is a__________(出名的)singer,she dresses like an ordinary girl.

5.Which do you like better, action movies or___________(喜剧)movies?



In the USA, each year, students take part in a kind of competition called the Science Olympiad.

It has a lot of different events. Students go there to show how much they know about the science of music, biology, chemistry and others. My best event is forestry.

The big day had come at last! First,I went to watch the tower building competition. That’s when students build small towers and put heavy things on top of it. They hope they can hold them up. One of my schoolmates was putting things on her tower. She was nervous,and in the end it was too heavy for her tower to hold it—it broke! I felt bad for her.

After lunch, I helped some teammates with their events. One was geography,and the other was history. I don’t know much about those things, so I just watched my teammates do most of the work.

At last, it was time for my favorite event—forestry. The rules were easy. We had to look at more than 40 different kinds of leaves and find out which plants they were from. We also had to answer some questions about the uses of each leaf. I knew almost all of the leaves and could answer most of the questions. I had spent more than a month studying on the Internet to get ready. At the end, it was time for the awards (颁奖).I was nervous,because the forestry awards were last. We won second place in the whole state! A nice man gave me a medal and smiled at me.


1.What is the Science Olympiad ?


2.Is forestry the author’s (作者的)best event?


3.Why did the author feel bad for the first event?


4.Where did the author prepare for his event?


5.Which prize did the author’s team win,the second or the last?




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