满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Some years later, Disney moved to the we...

Some years later, Disney moved to the west coast(海岸)of the USA. He tried to get work as an artist but still he was unsuccessful. One day he found a mouse got____of his home. He _____his pencil and started ____. Day after day he practiced and drew ____ pictures of the mouse that he had known. At last he was ____ with one of the pictures of the mouse. He ____ it Mickey Mouse.

Disney’s success as a cartoon-maker had begun. He soon drew other cartoon characters and during the 1920s and the 1930s he made______cartoons about___ These cartoons were all _____ones. Before the days of television, they used to be shown in______all over the country before the main film was shown. Later Disney made longer films.

1.A. in    B. at    C. from    D. out

2.A. picked up    B. looked up    C. got up    D. wrote with

3.A. to draw    B. draw    C. to drawing    D. wrote with

4.A. important    B. different    C. wonderful    D. same

5.A. bored    B. angry    C. tired    D. pleased

6.A. bought    B. drew    C. called    D. asked

7.A. a lot of    B. a lot    C. lot of    D. lot

8.A. their    B. them    C. they    D. it

9.A. short    B. small    C. long    D. big

10.A. homes    B. offices    C. cinemas    D. classrooms


1.D 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.A 10.C 【解析】本文记述了迪斯尼发现和创造米老鼠的过程。 1.本题考查短语get out of(从------出来)。故选D。 2.句意:她捡起笔来就开始画。捡起,拾起用pick up。故选A。 3.句意:她捡起笔来就开始画。开始做某事用start to do sth。故选A。 4.句意:日复一日,他练习画他知道的不同的老鼠。不同的用different。故选B。 5.句意:最后,他对其中一只老鼠的画像很满意。Be pleased with(对------满意)。故选D。 6.句意:他叫它米老鼠。把------叫做用call。故选C。 7.“许多的”修饰名词用a lot of。故选A。 8.句意:他制作了许多有关他们的卡通形象。About后跟代词的宾格形式。故选B。 9.根据Later Disney made longer films可知,一开始,迪斯尼制作的卡通片都很短。故选A。 10.他们常常在主要影片放映之前在全国各地的电影院播放。电影院是cinema。故选C。 点睛:完型填空是一卷难度最大的题。它集阅读理解、语法、词法、句法于一体。是考查语言综合运用的能力的一道题。 解题的方法第一要带着空,通读文章,搞清事件发生的背景。紧紧抓住上下文语境所提供的信息,充分利用各种线索,语法知识,以及句子之间的关系,词的搭配,结合上下文背景语境,结合句意选择适合语境的选项。

—What do you think of tomorrow’s football match?

—__________difficult___________ us__________ the match.

A. We’re; of; to win    B. It’s; for; winning

C. It’s; for; to win    D. It’s; of; to win



—How nice that Lucy has been invited to the party too!

—Well, Lucy    not come. She is not certain whether her mother will allow her to.

A. might    B. would    C. must    D. need



—How do you like the TV sitcom“ Home with Kids” ?

—It’s very___________, and many kids_____________ it.

A. fun; don’t like    B. funny; don’t like

C. funny; like    D. fun; likes



-- _______ are you going to the School Uniform Exhibition, Amy ?

-- To learn about different styles of school uniform.

A. What             B. Where         C. Why             D. Which



What do you think of the house, dear?

—_________I can’t find a better one.

A. Too bad.    B. Too expensive.

C. Good idea!    D. Pretty good!



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