满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

假如你叫萨姆(Sam),请你根据以下信息介绍你的新朋友比尔(Bill): 比尔(...













Bill is my new friend. He is different from me. I think it’s not necessary to be the same. Let me tell you something about him. Bill has short hair and he is very thin. He is taller than me, but I am more outgoing than him. Bill studies very hard, he hardly ever plays computer games, and he never watches soap operas. He thinks they're very boring. Bill exercises four times a week. We often play basketball together. Bill went to America on his vacation. He visited his uncle and took a lot of photos. They’re very beautiful. I hope to go to America one day. 【解析】本文是一篇材料作文,属于人物介绍。在介绍外貌、性格特征、日常行为时要用一般现在时态来描述,假期活动需要用一般过去时态来表达。描述外貌特征时要用到系表结构,还有两个比较级的句子,注意outgoing的比较级为more outgoing;在进行日常行为的描述时要用到实意动词,注意动词三单形式的运用。用到的词组有:be different from; be the same; study hard; plays computer games; watch soap operas; four times a week; play basketball; take photos; hope to do等。  

A.Of course I did.

B.I hope to go there one day‘

C.Have a good trip!

D.When did you go there?

E.How was your trip?

F.I went to Shanghai on vacation last month.

G.Were there many people in Disneyland?

A:Hi, Cindy! Long time no see.

B:Hi, John! Yes. 1.

A:How long did you stay there?

B:For a week.


B:It was great. I visited many places. And the most exciting place was Disneyland.


B:Yes. It was crowded. I saw many Disney characters walking around the park.

A:Did you take any pictures with them?

B:4. I took pictures with Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.

A:Wow! Wonderful!5.

B:If you do, you’ll certainly enjoy yourself.




1.What’s the______________(different)between Chinese and English?

2.Because he exercises every day, he is very ______________ (health).

3.Sue listened________(quiet),and did not say a word.

4.Our company is in need of a large number of _____________ (talent) people.

5.He speaks so_________(loud) that he could be heard by everyone in the room.




1.My brother has a toothache, so he has to see the d _____.

2.The girl isn’t old e_________ to dress herself.

3.Mike hurt his back seriously and could h_________ get out of bed without help.

4.The Internet is very useful. We can get a lot of ______________ (信息)from it.

5.A lot of people here, for_____________(实例),Mr. John, would rather have coffee.



Do you want to be healthy? (A)Would you like to follow a healthy lifestyle? Then you must eat well and get a lot of exercise. If you’re fit,your body works well and you also feel good.

Here are some suggestions.

Eat different kinds of food, fruit and vegetables.

If you only eat your favorite food, your body can't get enough nutrients(营养物).You should eat more fruit and vegetables.

Drink more water and milk.

When you are thirsty, drinking water is very good. Milk is also very good for your body. Try to drink a cup of milk every day if you can.

Take more exercise.

Don’t spend too much time watching TV, playing video games or using the computer. You should do some exercise, (B)_________________playing basketball, riding a bike and swimming. There are many activities. Find out what you like. They will help you keep healthy.





3.According to the passage,we shouldn’t only eat__________. (每空一词)

4.Which sport isn’t mentioned (提及)according to the passage?

A. Playing football.    B. Playing basketball.    C. Riding a bike.


How to______________________________



Once upon a timea hippo (河马)lived in a river next to a big tree

One daya bird came and nested (筑巢)in the treeThe songs of the bird filled the hippo with so much envy (羡慕)that he couldn’t think of anything elseEvery day he would think why he wasn’t born to be a bird even though the bird told him many times he was so lucky to be so big and such a good swimmer

Finallythe hippo made up his mind that he would come out of the riverclimb the tree and start singingHoweverwhen he tried to climb the treeit was very clear that the hippo didn’t have wingsnor claws to climb with

Realizing that he would never climb up the treehe angrily hit the tree until it came crashing to the groundThen he stepped onto the leaves of the fallen treeand began singing

Unfortunatelyhippos can’t singeitherAll that came from his mouth were terrible noisesand when the other animals heard thisthey all came around to make fun of the hippo

He was so ashamed by thisHe also felt bad about having knocked the tree overHe used all his strength to raise the tree back up againand look after it until it completely recovered.(康复).

1.The hippo envied the bird because    

A. he could fly high

B. he could build a nest

C. he could sing well

D. he could live in the tree

2.After reading this passagewe know    

A. the writer is telling us a true story

B. the story happened on an autumn day

C. the bird thought he was luckier than the hippo

D. the hippo tried to do something against his nature

3.The hippo in this story    

A. was happy all the time

B. did not respect his friends

C. liked to talk a lot but did nothing

D. corrected his mistake when he realized it

4.From the passagewe can infer(推断) that the hippo would     after such an experience

A. be a good singer

B. be good at climbing trees

C. stop envying the bird

D. not make friends with other animals

5.The best title of this passage may be“    

A. The hippo that wished to sing

B. The tree that was knocked over

C. The bird that wished to swim

D. The animals that were in high spirits



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